End Crystals are one of the rare Minecraft items that also happen to be an entity.
Most players only recognize End Crystals when they attempt to fight the Ender Dragon. However, the more experienced players know that End Crystals are a great weapon to use in PvP.
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End Crystals in Minecraft

While End Crystals are only found naturally in The End, players cannot obtain them there.
The only way for players to obtain the End Crystal is to craft one. Players can craft one End Crystal with one Ghast Tear, one Eye of Ender and seven Glass.
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Naturally, End Crystals in The End are used to heal the Ender Dragon. Players will need to destroy all of the crystals to defeat the dragon with ease.
When four End Crystals are placed on the Portal that spawns after killing the Dragon, the Dragon will respawn along with all of the original End Crystals on top of the pillars.
As stated above, End Crystals are also an extremely dangerous weapon in PvP scenarios, specifically in the 2b2t anarchy server. When quickly placed on top of Obsidian and hit with either a tool or arrow, End Crystals will explode and do massive damage to any player nearby. End Crystal explosions will not destroy the Obsidian that it is placed upon.
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