Minecraft is a sandbox game where almost everything is made up of different types of blocks. One of the most common blocks is dirt, and it is only generated in the Overworld.
Players can mine dirt using any item or even their bare hands. However, shovels will always mine them faster than any other tool. Minecraft has a handful of dirt-type blocks: dirt, farmland, podzol, dirt path, mycelium, coarse dirt, and rooted dirt.
All dirt-type blocks in Minecraft
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1) Dirt

Dirt is the most common dirt-type block in Minecraft. When left in the sun in contact with grass blocks for a while, dirt blocks become grass blocks.
To get dirt, players need to mine grass dirt and grass blocks commonly generated in the Overworld using anything but a silk touch item. Coarse dirt and rooted dirt blocks can be tilted with a hoe to get dirt blocks as well.
2) Mycelium

Mycelium is the rarest type of dirt. It can spread to most other dirt blocks within one space above it, three spaces below, and one space sideways. The only place where mycelium generates is the mushroom biome.
3) Dirt path

Dirt paths are commonly seen in villages. They are mainly used for decoration, and no mobs can spawn on them. Players can obtain them by using a shovel on a dirt, grass, mycelium block, podzol, rooted dirt, and coarse dirt block. Players can also get it by mining naturally generated dirt paths using a silk touch tool.
4) Coarse dirt

A coarse dirt block can be crafted using two dirt blocks and two gravel blocks. It can also be found in modified wooded badlands, plateau wooded badlands plateaus, all giant tree taiga variants, savanna, and shattered savanna plateau biomes.
5) Podzol

Podzol can be found in giant tree taiga and bamboo jungle biomes. Another source of podzol blocks is wandering traders, who have a 16.67% chance of offering three podzol blocks in exchange for three emeralds.
6) Farmland

Farmland is one of the most important dirt-type blocks in the game. Players can grow crops such as wheat on these blocks. They will also have to place a water source within a distance of at least four blocks.
They can be obtained by using a hoe on a dirt block, grass block, or dirt path. They are also commonly generated in villages and inside woodland mansions.
7) Rooted dirt

Rooted dirt is the newest dirt-type block that was added in the 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update. As of now, it does not generate naturally anywhere but can be obtained using commands or creative mode. Once the 1.18 update is released, players will be able to find it under azalea trees.
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