Minecraft has an essential feature called gamerules that adds depth and allows you to experiment with different scenarios and modify various aspects of the game, including the game environment and mechanics. Whether you want to make Minecraft more challenging or more relaxed, game rules provide the flexibility to do so.
In this article, we will explore all the gamerules that are available in Minecraft and also discuss how you can use these in the game.
Exploring all the gamerules in Minecraft and how to use them

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The basic format to apply any gamerule in the game is as shown below:
- /gamerule [game rule name] [value]
Most of the gamerules have value either true or false, so you can either turn a certain rule on or off in your Minecraft world. The list of all gamerules in the game is described below:
announceAdvancements: You can turn on or turn off the announcements of the advancements made in the game, such as Stone Age, Ice Bucket Challenge, and so on.
commandBlockEnabled: This will either enable or disable the use of commands in the game.
commandBlockOutput: This will notify the admins whether a command has been used or not.
disableElytraMovementCheck: This will keep a check on whether any player is using any cheats on the server or whether their elytra is flying too fast.
disableRaids: It disables the raids or the bad omen effect that you get while visiting a village after killing a pillager if it's set to true. The vanilla Minecraft rule applies when the rule is set to false.

doDaylightCycle: Setting this rule to false will lock the current time in the game, suppose it is daytime when you applied the rule, then it will always be daytime in the game. The opposite will happen if you applied the rule during nighttime.
doEntityDrops: This rule can be used to toggle between the entity drops in the game that applies to anything other than that dropped by any mob or by any player.
doFireTick: Setting the value of this rule to false will not cause the spreading of fire to other flammable objects.
doInsomnia: If you set its value to false, you will not have to deal with any phantoms in the night even if you do not sleep for more than three days.
doImmediateRespawn: This rule will do an instant respawn without taking you to the respawn screen if the value is set to true.
doLimitedCrafting: You will be able to craft only those items that you have unlocked if you set this rule to true.
doMobLoot: This rule will prevent the dropping of any loot items when you kill a mob if the rule is set to false.
doMobSpawning: If you set this rule to false, then all the mobs that spawn naturally will cease. However, it will not affect the monster spawners.
doPatrolSpawning: You can toggle between the patrol getting spawned or not in Minecraft.
doTileDrops: Setting this rule to false will not drop the block when it is broken, so you cannot pick up the block even if you break it using the right tool.
doTraderSpawning: If this rule is set to false, it will prevent any wandering traders from spawning in the game.
doWeatherCycle: This rule is similar to the daylight cycle rule and will keep the same weather at all times in the game when it is set to true.
doWardenSpawning: You can prevent the Warden from spawning in the ancient cities by setting this rule to false.

drowningDamage: Setting this rule to false will prevent you from losing any health when you lose all your oxygen under the water.
fallDamage: This rule will prevent you from taking any fall damage in the game when it is set to false.
fireDamage: If this rule is set to false, you are not going to take any fire damage at all.
forgiveDeadPlayers: Setting this rule to false will make the neutral mobs stop getting angry when you die.
freezeDamage: You will not receive any damage from getting buried inside snow when you set this rule to false.
functionCommandLimit: The maximum number of commands written for a function is limited to the value you enter. This command takes an integer value as input.
keepInventory: If this rule is set to true, then you will not lose any of the items from your inventory upon your death.
logAdminCommands: You can toggle between either displaying the log commands to the admin or not.
maxCommandChainLength: You will be able to set the maximum command chain length to any value you like. This rule takes an integer value.
maxEntityCramming: It will determine the total number of entities that can be placed in a single block. This rule takes an integer value.

mobGriefing: If you are frustrated with Creepers blowing up the surroundings, then set mobGriefing to false to prevent your stuff from being blown.
naturalRegeneration: Setting the value of this rule to false will not allow you to regenerate your health using food. You will have to take potions in order to regain your health.
playersSleepingPercentage: You can set this rule to allow a certain percentage of players to sleep so that you can skip the night. It will take an integer value.
pvp: This rule enables or disables whether a player can damage other players.
randomTickSpeed: This rule will take an integer variable and determines how often a random block tick will occur per chunk.
reducedDebugInfo: If this rule is set to false, it will disable the F3 menu that shows the hitboxes and other essential stuff in Minecraft.
respawnBlocksExplode: Setting this rule to false will prevent the respawn points or beds from exploding in all dimensions.
sendCommandFeedback: You may disable the feedback system after typing a command in Minecraft by setting this rule to false.
showBorderEffect: Disabling this rule will not show any borders of the blocks in Minecraft.
showCoordinates: You can either show or hide the player's coordinates using this rule.
showDeathMessages: You can toggle between the messages shown in the chat when a player or a pet dies using this rule.
showTags: This rule will conceal the block lists for items in item lock indicators.
spawnRadius: This rule describes the amount of area out of the world that you will spawn when you die without a respawn point or enter the server for the first time.
spectatorsGenerateChunks: This rule will allow you to generate chunks even when you are in spectator mode when set to true.
tntExplodes: The TNT explodes can be prevented by setting this rule to false.
universalAnger: Setting this rule to true will make the neutral mobs get angry at all players, including those who did not do anything.
To enable or disable a gamerule, you can use the /gamerule command followed by the rule name and true or false value or any integer value as required. Some examples for writing gamerules are:
- /gamerule keepInventory true
- /gamerule mobGriefing false
- /gamerule maxEntityCramming 20
Minecraft gamerules are powerful tools that enable players to shape their adventures in the world. Understanding the various gameules and utilizing them effectively can unlock lots of new abilities and give you a fresh new experience that unleashes the limitless possibilities of Minecraft.
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