There are loads of mobs in Minecraft that players can interact with. Some are extremely common and spawn almost everywhere, whereas some are rare to find.
However, there are a handful of mobs that are essentially hidden from plain sight. They usually do not spawn naturally in the world and will remain hidden until and unless players interfere with the surroundings or make some changes to the game.
Players might be surprised to learn that there are several mobs that are essentially hidden and can remain hidden for the entire game if players choose not to bring them out. Here is the list of all hidden mobs in Minecraft.
Note: This list not only mentions mobs that can be summoned by commands but also has mobs that only spawn when players do certain activities in the world.
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List of all hidden mobs present in Minecraft
The list of hidden mobs can be categorized in two ways: mobs that are summoned through commands and mobs that are summoned through player actions. This is because these are two very distinct kinds of hidden mobs.
List of hidden mobs that can only be summoned through commands

These entities are truly hidden in Minecraft and cannot spawn naturally in any way. The only way to see them and interact with them is by allowing cheats in a world and typing in the command to summon them. Hence, these mobs will never appear in a regular survival world without cheats.
Here is a list of these hidden mobs:
- Giant (Java Edition only)
- Illusioner (Java Edition only)
- Killer Bunny (Java Edition only)
- Zombie Horse
- Agent (Bedrock Edition and Education Edition only)
- NPC (Bedrock Edition and Education Edition only)
- Elder Guardian Ghost (Bedrock Edition only)
Most of these mobs are exclusive to one or another edition of the game. Despite being hidden behind commands, these mobs have unique behavior. Some can attack players in unique ways, while others can help them as well.
For example, Illusioner can attack players using special magic tricks that no other Illager mob can do. On the other hand, Agent is a useful mob that can teach players to code and help perform several activities in the game like planting and harvesting, mining, chopping trees, and building.
To summon these mobs, players need to first turn on cheats in their world, then type the command '/summon' followed by the mob's name. They must also make sure not to keep the difficulty level set to peaceful if they want to summon hostile mobs.
List of hidden mobs that can be summoned by player's actions

Apart from completely hidden Minecraft mobs, there are some that do not naturally spawn but can summon themselves based on what players do in the world.
Players will always have the choice not to summon any of these mobs and complete the game. But if they take the other route, they will end up summoning these entities.
Here is the list of all the hidden mobs that can be summoned based on the player's activities:
- Vex
- Wither
- Phantom
- Snow Golem
- Brown Mooshroom
- Tadpole
- Endermite
- Warden
While some of them can only spawn if players breed certain mobs together, others can only be summoned by certain blocks placed in a certain way.
A few of them, like vexes, wardens, and endermites, summon due to players' activities, like going near an evoker, walking too loudly near a sculk schrieker, or throwing ender pearls, respectively.
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