Minecraft's torches are often the first source of light that you can create when you enter a new world, being both cheap on resources and effective at deterring hostile mobs from spawning. Although you eventually move on to better light sources, torches remain incredibly useful. Moreover, they come in a range of varieties based on the materials used and the game edition being played.
In addition to the different torches that can be made in Minecraft, standard torches also have more than one crafting recipe that can be taken advantage of. Depending on the resources you have on hand, it's almost always possible to whip up a few torches on short notice.
When it comes to making torches in Minecraft, you will want to familiarize yourself with all of the available types just in case they're needed.
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How to make each torch type in Minecraft as of version 1.20.1

In many ways, torches are one of the most essential light sources in Minecraft, especially when you are still in the early game. Their ease of crafting is what makes them so incredibly helpful early on, as all they require is at least one stick and one piece of coal or charcoal. Once these two materials are combined, you will receive four torches for your trouble.
How to craft torches
- Open the UI of a crafting table block.
- Place a piece (or multiple pieces) of coal or charcoal in the center of the crafting grid.
- Follow up by placing at least one stick in the slot underneath the coal/charcoal. You can then simply remove the torches from the output slot to the right.
Soul torches

Compared to Minecraft's standard torches, soul torches require an extra crafting ingredient. Furthermore, they're dimmer when it comes to light-level production and also don't melt snow or ice.
Soul torches are also quite handy where piglins are concerned, as the creatures from the Nether are averse to their presence.
Crafting soul torches is still a cheap undertaking, but you will need access to one of two blocks from the Nether to create them.
How to craft a soul torch
- Open your crafting table UI.
- Place a stick in the center slot of the crafting grid, followed by a piece of coal or charcoal in the top-center slot.
- Lastly, place a block of either soul soil or soul sand in the bottom-center slot. You can then remove four soul torches from the output slot.
Redstone torches

Some Minecraft fans may get even more use out of redstone torches than ordinary torches. This is particularly true once you have moved on to other light source blocks and begin tinkering with redstone machinery, which redstone torches are a major component of.
Additionally, redstone torches are just as easy to create as their ordinary counterparts. You simply need to swap out their coal/charcoal with a bit of redstone dust instead.
How to craft redstone torches
- Open your crafting table UI.
- Place a stick in the bottom-center slot and follow it up with at least one piece of redstone dust in the center slot.
- Lastly, remove the redstone torch(s) you've created from the output slot.
Blue/red/purple/green torches

If you are playing Minecraft Education Edition (or have enabled Education Edition features in Bedrock Edition's settings), you can craft a few colored variants of standard torches that can't be found in the vanilla Java Edition. This comes courtesy of the chemistry mechanic found in Education Edition.
With the right chemical compounds, you can combine them with standard torches to create colored torches with red, blue, purple, and green varieties.
How to craft colored torches
- As always, open your crafting table menu.
- In the bottom-center slot, place at least one regular torch.
- In the center slot, place the appropriate chemical compound based on the torch color you'd like to create. Cerium Chloride will create blue torches, Mercuric Chloride will make red ones, Potassium Chloride will result in purple torches, and Tungsten Chloride will create a green coloration.
Much like standard torches, colored torches still create a light level of 14 and can melt snow and ice. It should be noted, however, that the color that comes from these torches is a cosmetic change. The light provided is the very same that is produced by an ordinary torch in Minecraft.
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