Trees are a crucial resource in Minecraft. Players can gather a range of materials from them, including wood. Wood is used to craft important items like crafting tables, sticks, and beds. There are several kinds of wood in Minecraft. This is because of the many types of trees in-game.

Each type of tree has its own unique characteristics. They appear different from one another, and they are suited to different biomes. This can be reflected in where different trees spawn.
Not sure what kind of trees there are in-game or where to find them? Here's our guide to every type of tree in Minecraft and where you can find them.
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Every type of tree in Minecraft and where to find them

Acacia trees are the trees in Minecraft with diagonal trunks. These trees can have multiple canopies and are an average of eight blocks tall. Acacia wood is orange in color. These trees are commonly found in Minecraft’s savanna biome.
Azalea trees are a rare variant of oak trees. These trees have azalea leaves and flowering azalea leaves, which Minecraft players can use decoratively. Azalea trees can be found above Minecraft’s lush cave biomes.

Birch trees are similar to oak trees in size and shape. They have white and gray bark, and they are commonly found in birch forest biomes. There is a tall variant of birch trees that players can find in Minecraft’s tall birch biomes.
Huge Fungus
Huge fungi are the Nether's version of trees. There are two types of huge fungus: huge crimson fungus and huge warped fungus. Both can be found in Minecraft's Nether.
Huge crimson fungus yields weeping vines, nether wart blocks, and crimson-colored wood, while huge warped fungus yields climbing vines, shroomlights, blue-colored wood, and warped wart blocks.
Dark Oak

Dark oak is an oak tree variant. This type of tree has a thick trunk which can be harvested for dark oak wood. This wood is a darker color than typical oak wood. Players can find dark oak trees in Minecraft’s dark forest biome.
Jungle trees are one of the most variable trees in Minecraft. They can be as short as three blocks or as tall as 30. Jungle trees can be harvested for jungle wood, saplings, cocoa beans, and vines. Players can find jungle trees in Minecraft’s jungle, bamboo jungle, and jungle edge biomes.

Oak trees are one of the most common trees in Minecraft. These trees have the smallest space requirements in-game, and they can even grow in shallow water. Players can find oak trees in a number of biomes, including:
- Jungle
- Bamboo jungle
- Forest
- Dark forest
- Savanna
- Wooded mountains
- Wooded badlands plateau
- Plains
- River
- Swamp

Dying Trees
Dying trees have the same growth patterns as other trees. However, the logs composing the trunk of the tree are covered in vines. Dying trees are exclusive to Bedrock and Education Edition. Minecraft players can find them in dark oak, jungle, spruce, and small oak varieties.
Fallen Trees
Fallen trees appear as either a tree stump or as logs lying on their side. These logs are often seen close to a stump. They occasionally grow with mushrooms on top. Fallen trees generate as oak, spruce, birch, and jungle trees.
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