After years of playing Minecraft through its regular launcher, players are finally recognizing the benefits of playing through separate, more advanced launchers — namely, Badlion Client.
Client launchers work to optimize the gameplay of Minecraft while bringing feature modification to the forefront, allowing players to customize their games for maximum efficiency.
Badlion Client, specifically, has many benefits, one of which is that it has a built-in FPS booster. It works throughout single-player, multiplayer, and realms to provide players with the best frame rate possible at all times.
Badlion Client is easily the most popular of the Minecraft launching clients, and for a good reason, as it's got so many benefits.
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Why Minecraft's Badlion Client is so great

The Badlion Client is a free downloadable Minecraft launcher for both Windows and Apple computers, meaning that a player's setup will not come in the way of using it.
Badlion is also specifically a client to prevent cheating in the game and continuously scans for any signs of cheating like X-Ray, double click and fire buttons, and so much more.
Multiple popular servers (, for example) are partnered with Badlion Client. They will pair Badlion users together to ensure that there isn't any cheating going on in games with these users.
This client also, amazingly, has an entire GUI of mods for players to use at their disposal, and a lot of them are brilliant for multiplayer games and lobbies.
What kind of mods can players find in Badlion Client menus?

The Badlion Client has a whole load of mods and settings for players to fiddle with and find out their favorite combination. With everything from displaying coordinates on screen in a handy little GUI and having a directional compass at the top of the screen to having a constantly toggled sprint, this launcher truly has it all.
Some of the best mods are those that players may initially gloss over when reading through the extensive list of mods that Badlion Client provides.
One mod in particular that may seem unimportant is the auto-GG command, which will automatically plug in a 'gg' message into the chat after a multiplayer game.
Although this may seem lackluster compared to the multitude of other game-changing mods that this client adds, it can rack up many points for the player on multiplayer servers that give coins and XP for being a nice player.

Another amazing addition to the Badlion Client mod menu is toggle-sprint, which allows players to make it such that they sprint no matter when they start running.
While regular launcher players need to either double-tap their walk key or click their sprint key each time they start to move, this handy tool removes that from necessity for Badlion Client users.
There are honestly so many more mods for players to look through and customize to their own needs, so Minecraft players should check it out to optimize their gameplay.
Where can potential users download Badlion Client?

The Badlion Client is downloadable through the BAC website and is downloadable for various platforms such as Windows and Mac.
Badlion has over seven million downloads globally, making it the most popular separate launcher for Minecraft.
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What is the Badlion Client Shop?

The Badlion Client has this excellent shop system for players to customize their Minecraft character even more than just having an individual skin. There are different hats, cloaks, wings, bandanas, weapons, shields, and even emotes for them to purchase and share with friends.
All other Badlion Client users can see these purchases, so entering Hypixel lobbies is always an interesting notion. Many players wear custom headpieces and wings, even using different dancing emotes that program the player to dance cutely!
Why Minecraft players should use Badlion Client

The Badlion Client has so many remarkable aspects that enhance gameplay, giving a unique experience each time players open a world. They can get the best gameplay via this client, as they always receive heightened frames per second, modifiers to make the game more efficient, and so much more.
Any Minecraft player who wants to try out Badlion Client should do so, even if they decide not to stick with it. There's a charming community surrounding the launcher, and members are lovely to each other when they meet. Overall, Badlion is a fantastic experience that all dedicated Minecraft players should try out.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects only the writer's opinions.
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