Minecraft fans are always looking for ways to improve the game. From various mods that add a ton of new features and items to the game or concept art, trailers, and even short animated films, the list of community projects is very long. And it is always interesting to see the concept art that players come up with for the new and existing mobs in the game. If Mojang Studios is looking to add an upgraded Warden model, it now has a source of inspiration.
A Minecraft player and Reddit user named itsChawk_ shared concept art for the Warden in a unique style and asked the subreddit about their thoughts on it. With the replies, it can be clearly seen that the community is beyond impressed with it.
u/Frasten said that they like the spin on the mob being an ancient guardian who gets corrupted by the blue stuff. Another Redditor, u/NanoCat407, said that this artwork looks like a deep slate golem being corrupted by the sculk and rated it a solid 10 out of 10. It should be noted that a deep slate golem does not exist in the name and can be added only using Minecraft mods.
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u/FadedMyrddraal talked about how the artwork looks fantastic, while u/TheBoomTheory mentioned that this is the kind of mob they want to see when they are exploring an abandoned ancient city. Another Redditor, u/Ent0ur_96, stated that the mob looks like something out of the Dark Souls series, which has a lot of medieval, terrifying characters.

u/nwood310 said that they wished the OP worked in Mojang Studios' developer team, while u/Skilfulchris2 said that if anyone makes a texture pack in this style, it would be great to play with. It seems that other fans want texture packs as well.

u/AquaNoodles mentioned that it looks great and asked if there is a texture pack to get this look. Meanwhile, another user named u/Euroaltic said that if the developers or modders add this mob, it should be called The Sentinel. Redditor u/Ghozgul mentioned that it looks amazing, and while they do not usually like custom mobs, this one is an exception.

New and better mobs in Minecraft

While Minecraft has many mobs, including the newly added the breeze and the bogged, Mojang Studios should add more interesting mobs to make the game more fleshed out. Fans have been asking for a wildlife update that populates all the different biomes and makes them more fun to explore. With a complete restructuring of the updates system, perhaps the next major update will bring something new for the players.
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