Minecraft fans have asked Mojang for years for an update to the End dimension, and they've asked in many different ways. While it's unclear if Mojang will implement an End update in the immediate future, that hasn't stopped players from speculating as to what features they would like to see in one. Given the relative emptiness of the End, there's certainly plenty of room for expansion.
With that in mind, it doesn't hurt to take a look at some of the best ideas that the Minecraft community has brainstormed for an End update. Every player has their own preferences as to what should be introduced, but some ideas have gained quite a bit of traction over the years.
Five features that Minecraft should introduce in an eventual End update, according to fans
1) More challenges away from the main End island

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Upon entering the End in Minecraft, players are quickly beset by the Ender Dragon as their "final" Survival Mode challenge. However, once the dragon is defeated, there isn't much challenge in the rest of the dimension. Sure, shulkers can be annoying, but they're hardly as dangerous as a fire-breathing dragon, and many players are hoping that more difficult endgame content is added to the End.
Some fans have suggested that more difficult mobs can be placed the further players travel from the primary End islands, and others have even suggested additional bosses found at the outer reaches of the dimension. The latter may undercut the significance of the Ender Dragon, but more challenges in the End would go a long way in improving it as the last dimension players visit.
2) Additional structures

Aside from end cities (and the end ships that are technically part of them), there aren't any generated Minecraft structures of note within the End. Although the End is intended to feel empty and desolate to a degree, the lack of structures feels like a missed opportunity. Even if Mojang doesn't flood the dimension with structures, at least one or two more would make the End more appealing overall.
Sure, looting end cities/ships for elytra and shulker shells can be fun, but it loses its draw rather quickly. A few more structures would make the End feel a bit more compelling to explore, even if the structures end up being abandoned ruins or something similar.
3) Additional ways to get elytra

While it's abundantly clear that elytra in Minecraft are meant to be pretty rare, the sole method of scooping them up from end ships that can be thousands of blocks apart in some circumstances isn't ideal. According to many fans, Mojang could introduce at least one more method of obtaining elytra in the End, even if it's still difficult. However, having at least one more method would expand players' options.
This would be particularly helpful in multiplayer situations where, oftentimes, players that appear early on in a server or realm can pick the End clean of elytra before others ever get a chance at collecting them.
4) More diverse biomes

Sure, the End is meant to be a desolate shell of what it once was, but the biomes in this Minecraft dimension are unimpressive all the same. While the End does technically have separate "biomes", they all look effectively the same and there are only extremely small distinctions between them. Put plainly, the End could stand to have more biodiversity without losing its desolate and shadowy feeling.
Mods like BetterEnd have already accomplished this magnificently, and Mojang could even introduce a new feature to explain why the End is regaining some of the biomes it lost from other games like Minecraft Dungeons. The possibilities are virtually endless.
5) A new ore type or some kind of resource

Despite being the last dimension that players encounter, the End doesn't have much by way of useful materials. There are goodies like elytra or shulker shells for shulker boxes, and there are chorus fruits, but otherwise, there isn't much in the End that is particularly useful. Compared to the Overworld and Nether, pickings are slim in the End overall, and fans want that to change.
A new End-exclusive ore type, tree/wood type, or some other resource would make the End more worth visiting, to say the least. Just as the Nether received ancient debris and netherite scraps/ingots, the End really should have another resource unique to it that can be crafted into useful blocks and pieces of gear.
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