The Fire Aspect enchantment in Minecraft can be placed on any sword in the game, and will cause players to set their target on fire when they strike.
There are dozens of fantasy tales of heroes brandishing a flaming sword in order to defeat their enemies in battle and protect their allies. Minecraft players can live that fantasy for themselves thanks to the Fire Aspect enchantment found within the game.
Minecraft players with the Fire Aspect enchantment on their sword will be able to set their target on fire with each successful strike with their weapon.
This article will be breaking down what the what the Fire Aspect enchantment in Minecraft is and how players can get it on their own sword
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Fire Aspect enchantment in Minecraft
The Fire Aspect enchantment can be placed on a sword of pretty much any make. This includes swords made out of wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, and netherite.
Minecraft players who do not have a sword yet, can craft one using a single stick and two pieces of the sword material at a crafting table.

As an example, a diamond sword's components are one stick and two diamonds.
Fire Aspect has two levels of enchantment, Fire Aspect I and Fire Aspect II; the latter being the powerful enchantment of the two. Targets that are on fire from being struck by a sword with Fire Aspect, will suffer 1 1/2 hearts or 3 1/2 hearts over five seconds, depending on the level of the enchantment.
As a fun bonus for players in Bedrock Edition, Minecraft players can actually light a fire or ignite a block of TNT with a sword enchanted with Fire Aspect.
Any mobs that normally drops meat that are killed when they are on fire or with an attack from a sword with Fire Aspect, will actually drop a cooked version of the meat from their loot table.
Getting the Fire Aspect enchantment

Fire Aspect can be placed on any sword by using an enchanting table and expending experience earned by the player, and some lapis lazuli.
Higher level enchantments can be placed on weapons by surrounding an enchanting table with additional bookshelves. Minecraft players should note that higher level enchantments will cost an increased amount of experience in order to obtain them.
This enchantment can also be placed on a piece of equipment with an anvil and the correct corresponding enchantment book. Console commands can also be used to grant enchantments for players who do not mind a bit of cheating.
A completed guide for enchantments in Minecraft can be found here.
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