Minecraft has officially announced and titled the game's next big update. It'll be The Wild Update, and it's scheduled for 2022. The second half of the Caves and Cliffs Update will be released at the end of this year and will be 1.18. The Wild Update will be 1.19. There have been a ton of announcements for the update, including The Warden, a new biome, Deep Dark and frogs.
Frogs aren't the headliner of The Wild Update, but they're certainly drawing a lot of attention. Each update usually adds a few smaller mobs, like 1.17 adding goats and axolotls alongside the vote-winning glowsquid. Now, frogs will arrive alongside the vote-winning allay.
Here's everything about frogs in Minecraft so far.
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A short guide to frogs in Minecraft
Frogs in Minecraft, once they are added, are going to be a peaceful mob and will be the first cold-blooded creatures in the game's long history. Tadpoles will grow into frogs, which will come in a variety of colors that are dependant on the temperature of the biome it grows in. Each frog will do something unique from the others, but it hasn't been announced yet what those will be.
Frogs will typically spawn in the Mangrove Swamp biome, a new addition in The Wild Update. Here they can hop on lily pads, which now have another use, and catch and eat fireflies which will be added alongside them. They will also try to sit on dripleaves, though they can't support the frog's weight.

There will be three total frog variants in Minecraft. Tadpoles, which will come before frogs, will be found swimming around in swampy waters. It is currently unclear how much health these mobs will have. They may or may not be able to be tamed or kept as a pet.
It's also currently unclear what loot, if any, they'll drop and how much XP can be acquired from killing them. More information will release the closer The Wild Update gets.
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