Frogs and Axolotls are two beloved Minecraft mobs. Both were released quite recently and were an instant hit amongst players. Axolotls were released with 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Update part one, whereas Frogs were released with 1.19 The Wild Update. Even though millions of players love both, they are quite different from each other.
Only a few mobs easily survive both in water and on land, and this is where Frogs and Axolotols are similar. Apart from the fact that both mobs can swim in water and walk on land, they are quite unique and differ in many ways.
Differences between Frogs and Axolotls in Minecraft detailed
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These mobs were released back on April 14, 2021, with Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Update part one. They were part of a brand new cave biome called Lush Caves but spawned everywhere until the 1.18 update due to the delayed release of the cave biome itself.
Axolotls are cute in appearance and little in size, making them an instant hit after their announcement. They have different variants based on their color: Brown, Cyan, Pink (Leucistic), Yellow, and Blue. The blue variant of the mob is the rarest and has a 0.083% chance of spawning when two regular Axolotls breed.

These mobs can eat a bucket of tropical fish to enter breeding mode. Once the breeding is complete, a tiny baby Axolotl will spawn, which can also eat buckets of tropical fish to grow.
Even though players cannot tame them in any way, they are excellent when fighting against hostile aquatic mobs. Axolotls have a tendency to attack other aquatic mobs, including Guardians, Elder Guardians, and Drowned.
Hence, players can create an army of Axolotls and lead them into battle. If players sync their attacks with the mob, they will be able to apply the regeneration status effect and even remove the mining fatigue status effect.
Frogs are quite different from Axolotls. They were released in the latest Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update and spawn in three different colors depending on the biome they're in.
White frogs spawn in warm biomes, orange frogs spawn in temperate biomes, and green frogs spawn in cold biomes. White frogs naturally spawn in new Mangrove Swamps, while orange frogs spawn in regular Swamps. Green frogs are the rarest since they do not spawn naturally.

Frogs are endearing mobs with cute appearances and movements. They slowly walk around an area, occasionally croaking and jumping. They can enter breeding mode by feeding them slimeballs and will lay frogspawn eggs.
These frogspawn eggs will then hatch into another new mob called Tadpoles. These are essentially baby versions of frogs that grow into one of the three colored frogs depending on the biome.
Unlike Axolotls, they are completely passive and cannot attack any aquatic mob. However, they can attack the smallest slimes and magma cubes. Frogs drop slimeballs after eating slimes and froglights after eating magma cubes. Froglights are new light-emitting blocks that can be used for decoration.
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