Mojang has added dozens of mobs to Minecraft throughout the years, filling up the game world with tons of unique personalities.
Due to the sheer number of these mobs, it can be difficult to tell just how many of them are available in the game.
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Mobs present in Minecraft as of May 2021
Passive Mobs

All of the Minecraft mobs will be split up into lists categorized by their behavior. All passive mobs within Minecraft are listed below:
- Bat, Cat, Chicken, Cod, Cow, Donkey, Fox, Horse
- Mooshroom, Mule, Ocelot, Parrot, Pig, Baby Piglin, Baby Polar Bear, Pufferfish, Rabbit, Salmon
- Sheep, Skeleton Horse, Snow Golem, Squid, Strider, Tropical Fish, Turtle, Villager, Wandering Trader
These mobs will never attack the player due to their passive nature.
Neutral Mobs

Neutral mobs will not attack the player unless provoked. However, neutral mobs can be provoked in different ways. All neutral mobs in Minecraft are listed below:
- Bee, Cave Spider, Dolphin, Enderman, Iron Golem, Llama
- Piglin, Panda, Polar Bear, Spider, Wolk, Zombie Piglin
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Hostile Mobs + Bosses

Hostile mobs will immediately attack any player within their range without being provoked. All hostile mobs in Minecraft are listed below:
- Blaze, Chicken Jockey, Creeper, Drowned, Elder Guardian, Endermite, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Hoglin
- Husk, Magma Cube, Phantom, Piglin Brute, Pillager, Ravager, Ravager Jockey, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Skeleton Horseman
- Slime, Spider Jockey, Stray, Vex, Vindicator, Witch, Wither Skeleton, Zoglin, Zombie, Zombie Villager
Boss mobs are also classified as hostile mobs as they immediately attack the player. The boss mobs in Minecraft are:
- Enderdragon
- Wither
Upcoming Mobs

Upcoming mobs are mobs that will be added in the upcoming Minecraft Caves and Cliffs updates. These mobs are listed below:
- Axolotl
- Glow Squid
- Goat
While these mobs aren't currently available in the base version of Minecraft, players can load up Snapshot versions to see them in action.
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