Mushrooms are a commodity in Minecraft. They have several uses, including decorations, food, and potions. They're also a fan favorite, which is why so many players are interested in growing their own mushrooms in Minecraft.
Players have all sorts of options for growing mushrooms in Minecraft. Mushrooms are kept in gardens, underground caves, or maybe even in pots around the house. Mushrooms are very versatile and readily available in the game.
For players who are enthusiastic about mushrooms in Minecraft, here is a short guide to creating a mushroom farm, garden, or simply small growing.
Where to find mushrooms in Minecraft?

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The very first step to growing mushrooms in Minecraft is finding naturally generated mushrooms in the Minecraft world. Mushrooms spawn in several places, including the nether, caves, mushroom biomes, and forests.
Here are a few quick places to find them:
Mushroom biomes

Mushroom biomes and islands are by far the best place to find a variety of mushrooms. Both red and brown mushrooms grow here, along with large mushroom trees.
Players can also expect mushrooms to drop when they shear red and brown mooshroom cows. These biomes have so much to offer to players. Unfortunately for players, these are rare finds.
Here are some seeds for finding mushroom biomes and islands:
Dark Oak Forests and Swamps

Other great biomes to find mushrooms are dark oak forests and swamp biomes. Within these biomes, there are a lot of mushrooms. Dark oak forests are particularly great because they spawn in large mushroom trees that players can dig up to obtain red mushrooms.

Many players go underground looking for ores, lava, and cobblestone. However, many players will be happy to find out that mushrooms also lurk in the dark caves underground.
The Nether

The last commonplace to find mushrooms is in the Nether. These small plants have no trouble growing in the harsh conditions provided by the Nether and can be found in almost any biome inside of the Nether.
Where to plant mushrooms?

As mentioned before, mushrooms love dark environments. Anywhere in the world with a light level below 12 is a great place for mushrooms to grow and spread. However, the darker the better.
Although mushrooms do have some exceptions, including glowstone, which they naturally generate on top of. The only place players can't place or grow mushrooms is directly beneath the sky, unless the player is in a mushroom biome and is planting on a mycelium, podzol, or nylium block.
Mushrooms can also be planted in pots as long as the light level is low enough for them to grow. These mushrooms will not spread.
How to plant mushrooms

Mushrooms are possibly the easiest plants to grow in Minecraft. All the players have to do is plant mushrooms in their inventory in a dark location. Within days, they can expect a few more mushrooms to be growing around their single plant from before.
Mushrooms can also be planted in dim areas inside houses or even inside caves. Mushrooms are very versatile and don't require any water to be nearby like other crops in Minecraft.
How to grow a large mushroom

To grow a large mushroom tree like those found in mushroom biomes and in dark oak forests, all that players have to do is add bonemeal to the mushroom. As long as the light level is low enough and there is enough space for the large mushroom to grow, players will be able to grow a large mushroom of either brown or red color.
Also read: 5 Things players didn't know about mooshrooms in Minecraft.
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