The first snapshot has been released for Minecraft Java Edition. Snapshot 22w44a is here, and it brings a lot of new things to the table. Included in the snapshot is the option to try out brand new 1.20 features.
While the update is still a few weeks away, Mojang has elected to start game testing certain features and, as usual, is enlisting the help of the community. To do that, players will have to access the features in the snapshot. Here's how to do that.
Minecraft 1.20 features: How to get them in latest snapshot
Here are the steps to download the latest snapshot:
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- Open up the Java Launcher.
- Visit the Installations tab.
- Enable snapshots.
- The latest snapshot will automatically be installed and run.
After that, when opening a new world, make sure to visit the settings, and enable the experimental features. This is how you will be able to access them. This method will be the same for any future experimental features too.
Despite having the next update scheduled, this snapshot is technically for 1.19. Why is that?
According to Mojang:
"We are now releasing the first snapshot for 1.19.3! You might have been thinking that this snapshot would be for 1.20, but times are changing. Going forward, we are taking a bit of a different approach to how we release minor and major versions for Minecraft: Java Edition. Essentially, we will be releasing minor versions more often."
It's the first update of any kind since the Minecraft Live announced the update, and is the first step towards its eventual release, even if most of the changes are not for Minecraft 1.20.
What the experimental features entail?
Mojang is introducing new chiseled bookshelves in the snapshot. These are crafted with six planks and three wooden slabs. They can hold up to six Books, Book and Quills, Written Books, and Enchanted Books. They will also be useful for some redstone activity.
Bamboo is joining the list of wood in the game. It can be crafted into the following:
- Planks
- Buttons
- Pressure Plates
- Trapdoors
- Fences
- Doors
- Fence Gates
- Signs
- Stairs
- Slabs
Rafts and chest rafts are also coming and will be exclusive to bamboo.

Another brand new item that will be added is hanging signs. They are similar to regular signs but more expensive to make.
They need two chains and six stripped logs of any kind. They can be placed underneath a block that can provide support, such as a full block or fence post as well as underneath another hanging sign.
Camels were announced and are part of the experimental features. Here are a few aspects of the brand new mob to know:
- Camels can have a saddle put on them and be ridden
- Camels spawn in Desert Villages
Many hostile mobs will not be able to get to any player sitting on a camel because they are so tall.
Keep an eye on official Minecraft outlets for more experimental 1.20 features in the future.
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