A basic crafting component vital to many Minecraft recipes, string is an excellent item to keep a healthy stock of.
To keep that string stock in Minecraft, players will need to find a reliable source to acquire the item. Doing so can be done in various ways, yielding different amounts of string and varying in difficulty and accessibility.
Fortunately, so many options for acquiring string give players plenty of leeways to pursue it at their leisure, including farming it and more or less eliminating the need for the item.
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Minecraft: Ways to obtain string in-game

With various means of acquiring string in Minecraft, players can choose their favored method. Some will produce more string than others, and not all are repeatable for farming, which is worth considering. Whether by looting it or picking it up as a drop, it's good for players to have options.
Below, players can find different means of acquiring string as of Minecraft 1.18:
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- Mining and breaking a tripwire. Players may also use flowing water or pistons to remove the tripwire and drop string.
- Breaking a cobweb block with either a sword, a piston, or flowing lava.
- Killing spiders or cave spiders can yield up to two pieces of string per spider. Using the Looting III enchantment, killing a spider can drop as much as five-string.
- Killing strider mobs will make them drop string. In Minecraft: Java Edition, striders can drop up to five pieces of string. In Bedrock Edition, striders can still drop up to five-string, but at least two string per kill is guaranteed. Like many item drops, this can also be increased with the Looting enchantment. At Looting III, striders can drop a maximum of eight-string per kill.
- Unaffected by looting, players can kill cats, which will drop up to two string.
- String can be looted from chests generated within dungeons, desert temples, bastion remnants, pillager outposts, and woodland mansions.
- While fishing, players can potentially acquire string. This chance is less than 1%, even with the Luck of the Sea enchantment, making it an option that does exist but isn't particularly viable.
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- When given a golden ingot during bartering, piglins can drop three to nine pieces of string.
- In Bedrock Edition, players may deconstruct cobweb blocks into nine pieces of string in the crafting menu.
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