The Wither is a boss mob in Minecraft that players can spawn by gathering certain materials in the game. This mob originated from the Nether but can be spawned in the overworld too.
Upon death, the Wither will drop a Nether star for the player. This item is used to create beacons that can give the player strong upgrades and new perks. The Wither will also drop nearly 50 experience orbs.
The Wither is spawned using four blocks of soul sand or soil, and three Wither skeleton skulls. Milk will reduce a portion of the damage that players take from the explosive skulls.
The Wither can be a pretty tough mob to defeat if the player is inexperienced. In this article, players will learn how to defeat the boss Wither mob in Minecraft!
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What players can use to easily defeat the Wither mob in Minecraft

When battling the Wither, smite is one of the best enchantments to have. This enchantment increases the amount of damage that players will deal to undead mobs in the game.
Since the Wither is an undead mob, the smite enchantment will allow the player to deal additional damage to it, making it easier to defeat.
Smite can be added to swords in Minecraft using the enchanting table or by finding it in an enchanted book & using it in an anvil.
Blast & Projectile Protection

Since armor is almost mandatory to have when battling the Wither, the blast protection enchantment will be a great enchantment to have equipped on armor.
Blast protection is an enchantment that decreases the amount of damage that players will take from fireworks and explosive damage.
Projectile Protection is an enchantment that reduces damage from arrows, thrown tridents, shulker bullets, llama spit, and blaze fireballs and direct impact from ghast fireballs and wither skulls.
Since the Wither shoots explosive skulls towards the player to damage them, either of these enchantments will grant the player with a little extra protection.
Bow enchanted with Infinity

One of the best methods of defeating the Wither is by using a bow in Minecraft. Using a bow enchanted with Infinity will make it much easier for players to defeat the mob.
Infinity is an enchantment that allows players to have basically infinite ammo in the bow. All players will need to do is have one arrow stored in their inventory.
As long as there is one arrow in the inventory, players will be able to shoot as many as they need to without using up any of their arrows.
Diamond Sword

The secondary weapon that players can use to defeat the Wither would be a diamond sword. These swords can be equipped with enchantments, such as Mending & Sharpness to make them even better.
According to the Minecraft wiki, one of the most effective ways to defeat the Wither using a diamond sword would be to wait until the wither drops to 50% health, then use the strength II potion and hit the wither with a diamond sword until the wither is defeated.
Note: The article reflects the writer's own views.
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