How to break bedrock in Minecraft 1.21 update

The bedrock breaking build going off (Image via Mojang)
A Minecraft bedrock-breaking build going off (Image via Mojang)

Bedrock is one of the most iconic blocks in Minecraft. It makes up the bottom of the game's overworld, as well as the bottom and the roof of the Nether. It is also known for being literally unbreakable. And in normal gameplay, it is. However, there's a simple and easy way to blast straight through this normally impenetrable block.

This simple bedrock-breaking method can be found detailed down below for players wanting to make the most of the Nether roof's unique utility or gain access to the overworld's void.

How to punch through bedrock in Minecraft 1.21


The materials needed to break bedrock in Minecraft 1.21 (Image via Mojang)
The materials needed to break bedrock in Minecraft 1.21 (Image via Mojang)

In terms of material cost, breaking through bedrock in Minecraft is quite cheap. The simplest methods require nothing more than a few pistons, obsidian, TNT, and a trapdoor and lever. This method does use up the TNT, so failed attempts can become quite expensive, so keep that in mind.

1) Mark the spot

The spot marked with a torch (Image via Mojang)
The spot marked with a torch (Image via Mojang)

The first thing you'll want to do is mark the spot where the bedrock layer is only one block thick.

If you're on the roof of Minecraft's Nether, this should be the spot where you originally glitched through the ceiling. Any bedrock can be broken, but this spot is the most convenient as it requires only a single piece to be destroyed to create an opening.

2) Place the obsidian

The obsidian placed around the torch (Image via Mojang)
The obsidian placed around the torch (Image via Mojang)

To actually break through the bedrock, you must place down the obsidian you brought along. Place one of the pieces of obsidian on the north side of the one-layer-thick bedrock and the other on the west.

3) Place the lever and TNT

The lever and TNT placed down (Image via Mojang)
The lever and TNT placed down (Image via Mojang)

Move to the block diagonal to the soon-to-be-broken bedrock block that's also in between the obsidian. Place a lever on the northern obsidian block and the two TNT to the left of this lever. This explosion is what is going to actually break the bedrock, with some help.

4) Place the trapdoor and a piston

The opened trapdoor and first piston (Image via Mojang)
The opened trapdoor and first piston (Image via Mojang)

Next, place a Minecraft trapdoor down on the western piece of obsidian, facing the south. Open this trapdoor.

The final thing you need to do is place down one of the two pistons. Place the block facing south, with its back towards the northern piece of obsidian.

5) Break the bedrock

The hole made in the bedrock layer (Image via Mojang)
The hole made in the bedrock layer (Image via Mojang)

Actually getting through the bedrock requires a bit of precise timing. You'll want to flip the lever to spark the Minecraft TNT.

Then, open the trapdoor to enter crawling mode. From crawling, continuously try to place the second piston facing the bedrock within the same block as the original piston.

What happens is that the explosion breaks the first piston. The second piston is then placed down and extended, as the lever is still flipped. This breaks the bedrock and should also glitch the original piston back into position, erasing the downward-facing piston you just placed.

If the piston is facing down or is missing, the Minecraft glitch didn't work, and you'll need to try again. Replace any destroyed blocks and repeat the process until the bedrock successfully breaks.

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