Bee nest blocks can be incredibly useful in Minecraft, allowing players to harvest honeycombs and keep bees, who can pollinate nearby crops as they make trips to local flowers.
Bees may seem friendly, and for the most part they're passive to players, but there are limits to these mobs' temperaments. Doing things like breaking bee nests or harvesting honey from them without using fire and smoke to pacify the bees will enrage them, causing them to become hostile and attempt to sting the player.
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Fortunately, there are safe methods to break a bee nest without upsetting its inhabitants.
Minecraft: Using Silk Touch or Creative Mode to remove bee nests

There are a few ways to break bee nests in Minecraft to avoid the ire of bees. Specifically, using a tool with the Silk Touch enchantment or switching to Creative Mode and breaking the hive there if players are in Survival or Adventure Mode.
Since Silk Touch drops the original broken block instead of any of its byproducts (for example, dropping coal ore instead of coal), it can break bee nests and have them drop in one piece.
One of the upsides is that any bees inside the hive will remain inside and can be transported to a new location wherever the nest is placed.
However, Minecraft: Bedrock Edition players should keep in mind that breaking a bee nest with Silk Touch will still upset any bees that aren't currently inside of the nest, so they should make sure that as many bees are inside as possible.
For Minecraft players in Survival Mode and Adventure Mode, using console commands to switch to Creative Mode can also help. In Creative Mode, bee nests can be broken in one hit and also drop themselves with bees inside.
Players on single-player worlds who do not have cheats enabled to use console commands can select "Open to LAN" in their pause menu or enable cheats in their settings menu in Bedrock Edition. Minecraft's multiplayer servers can be slightly trickier, as players will need to have the appropriate privileges to enter console commands.
Regardless, once cheats are enabled, Minecraft players can enter "/gamemode creative" or "/gamemode creative (PlayerName)" where the player's screen name is designated to target a specific player.
This should switch players to Creative Mode, where they can safely remove a bee nest and then switch back to Survival Mode if they'd like to.
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