There are 15 different colors (16 if the multicolored "jeb_" sheep counts) of sheep in Minecraft, thanks to the 1.2 update. The update introduced the ability to dye sheep, which has been used a lot since then. Sheep primarily spawn in white, black and gray, though every other color is possible.
Pink sheep are among the rarest creatures in the wild. According to the Minecraft Wiki, a sheep has a 0.164% chance of spawning pink. Baby pink sheep are even rarer than that. Any color of sheep can be turned pink, but a naturally spawning pink sheep is incredibly rare.
Sheep are great for breeding and for getting materials from. If players have or want pink Minecraft sheep, here's how they can breed them.
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Making and breeding pink sheep in Minecraft
The first step to breeding any kind of sheep is to collect two of them. Sheep spawn naturally on grass blocks where there are two spaces above them. They spawn most commonly in plains biomes.
Once players have found two, there are a couple of ways to transport them to where they want. Leads can pull sheep and most mobs, so if players have two leads, they can drag them wherever they need to go.
They can also be put in boats or minecarts and moved that way. However, the most common method is to entice them with wheat. Sheep will follow a player holding wheat, provided they don't get too far away.

Fittingly, that Minecraft wheat is also used to breed them. Breeding two sheep of the same color creates a lamb of the same hue. Breeding two sheep of compatible colors makes it a combination. For pink, this could be a red and white sheep.
If not compatible, the color will be chosen from one parent at random. In order to ensure the new lamb is pink, players can either use red and white dye on the sheep or pink dye on both.
They could also use a pink sheep with one of any other color and hope for a pink lamb, but that's not recommended. Here's how pink dye can be obtained.
Red dye can be crafted with a poppy, rose or beetroot. White dye comes from bonemeal. The combination of the two makes pink dye. Pink tulips or peonies will craft pink dye, which can also be acquired from a wandering trader.
Using the dye on the sheep will instantly change the color to pink.
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