One of the last major reveals was the introduction of four new Minecraft 1.21 potions. The first is the wind-charged potion, which causes affected mobs to explode into the air when killed. The second is the weaving potion, which causes cobweb explosions in defeated mobs. Next is the oozing potion, which causes killed mobs to spawn slime. The last addition is infested potions, which cause mobs to spawn silverfish.
These are all very unique and interesting effects, begging the question of how to brew all new potions in Minecraft 1.21. The brewing processes for these new additions are detailed below, along with where to collect the needed ingredients.
How to brew Minecraft 1.21's new potions
1) Find or make a brewing stand

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The first thing you'll need to do before you can make any of these interesting new alchemical concoctions is set up an area to actually do the brewing. By far, the easiest way to get a brewing stand is to find one that spawns within a village, which is another reason these are Minecraft's best structures.
That said, if you don't have any clerics in nearby villages, brewing stands can also be crafted using a blaze rod and three of any stone tier block. This might be simpler, as you'll need to go to the Nether to collect blaze rods for the powder to power the stand, as well as the nether wart needed to make the base awkward potions.
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2) Collect ingredients

Speaking of the requirement of blaze rods to make blaze powder, the next step to making the new potion types is collecting all of the required alchemical ingredients. The first of the new potions, the wind-charged potion, requires breeze rods. To find these, players will need to travel to an upcoming Minecraft trial chamber, as the breeze round within is the only source of these items.
The next potion is the weaving potion, which requires a cobweb to brew. Cobwebs are a weird item, as they're typically considered junk. This means they're common but rarely kept. They are found naturally within mineshafts, strongholds, basement igloos, abandoned villages, and elusive Minecraft woodland mansion spider spawner rooms.
The third new potion is the oozing potion, which requires a slime block to craft. Slime is the hardest resource to get for the new potions, only being dropped by slimes, rarely traded by wandering traders, or sneezed out by baby pandas with a 1/700 chance.
The final new potion is the infested potion. This requires the regular stone to brew, meaning that players will need the silk touch enchantment to brew it. Thankfully, though, silk touch offers enough utility to put it up there with Minecraft's best enchantments, so players most likely already have a silk touch tool or will need one anyway.
The last ingredient needed will be water bottles. There are four new potions, so at least four are needed, but since potions are brewed in sets of three, it might make more sense to get that many. This will allow players to brew a full set of three of each new potion.
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3) Make awkward potions

With a place to brew and the required materials collected, it's time to actually start the alchemy. First, place a blaze powder into the top left input window of the stand. This will add fuel to it. Then, place a nether wart in the input window and three glass bottles along the top. This will convert the regular water bottles into awkward potions. Repeat this process until you have enough awkward potions.
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4) Make Minecraft 1.21's new potions

With a foundation of awkward potions, the final step is to brew the new potions. To brew wind charged potions, add in a breeze rod along with awkard potions. Weaving potions will need a cobweb collected earlier, while any oozing or infested potions will need slime or stone blocks respectively.
Additionally, these potions can be upgraded by using an additional brewing cycle. Adding redstone will extend the duration, glowstone will make a potion stronger, fermented spider eyes will corrupt potions, gunpowder will make splash potions, and Minecraft's ender dragon breath will make splash potions lingering.
Make sure to keep a blaze powder or two handy, just in case the brewing stand needs a refresh of fuel at any point, and it might, especially if players start upgrading and combining additional brewing layers.
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