Beetroots are a valuable crop in Minecraft, providing food, dye, and trade options. You can craft them into beetroot soup, which restores six hearts but is non-stackable. Additionally, it can be used to breed pigs and villagers. The quickest way to obtain these seeds early on is by looting village farms, though they can also be found in chests. Due to their rapid growth, beetroots are ideal for automatic farming.
With that in mind, here's an easy guide to building an automatic beetroot farm in Minecraft.
Materials required for beetroot farm

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Before starting the farm, collect the materials listed below. The quantity of the items can be adjusted according to the farm's scale.
- Beetroot seeds
- Water bucket
- Hopper
- Minecart with hopper
- Rail
- Chest
- Hoe
- Composter
- Two beds for villagers
- Any light source to be placed around.
- Any block to build a two-block-high compound around
- Slabs of your choice
- Trapdoor of your choice
Build your farm near a village, as you will need two villagers for automation.
How to set up your farm

Before you set up a beetroot farm — set up a basic one, and here is how you can do it.
- Place a water source block nearby to keep the soil hydrated. A single water source can hydrate to a 9x9 area.
- Clear a small area and use a hoe to till the soil for planting.
- Plant beetroot seeds and wait for them to grow, then harvest by breaking the plants.
While gathering villagers, it would be beneficial to collect beetroot to expedite the automation process.
How to automate your farm
Once the farm has been set up you can follow these steps to automate it.
1) Setting up the collection system

To set up the collection system, dig a 3-block-deep hole and place a chest at the bottom. Above the chest, set a hopper, and place a slab on top of the hopper. Next, lay a rail on a solid block above the slab, then place a minecart with a hopper on the rail. Finally, break the block beneath the rail to allow the minecart to fall onto the slab. This setup will allow the crops to funnel directly into the chest.
2) Create an access tunnel

Dig an underground pathway that leads to the chest. This will allow you to easily access your collected beetroot without disturbing the farm.
3) Build a protective wall

Surround the farm with a 2-block-high wall, leaving an entrance for maintenance.
4) Add villagers to the farm

Inside the enclosed area, place two villagers. Use a composter to turn one villager into a farmer who will tend to the crops. Position the second villager near the collection point, separated by a hopper minecart and enclosed with a trapdoor above it. Place two beds outside the walls for the villagers.
Ensure that the farmer villager has only beetroot seeds in their inventory, so they will continue planting and harvesting. The second villager will attempt to collect the crops but won't be able to due to the barrier, allowing the hopper system to gather the crops and store them.
You will need to wait for a while before you can retrieve the beetroots from the farm, as the villagers' inventory must be full before they throw any to the hopper. Additionally, this method of automated farming can also be applied to other plants.
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