Building bases in Minecraft is always fun, and mansions are some of the most intricate bases to make.
Mansions require loads of materials, time, and dedication. In the end, they look incredible and dominate the landscape in an amazing way. They also allow players to make some of the most amazing villages and towns in the surrounding area.
Here are some of the best tips players should keep in mind while making their mansion bases.
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Tips for making mansions in Minecraft
#5 - Use a foundation

In Minecraft, mansion builds look a lot more dramatic and imposing on the landscape when they have a foundation to hold up the build.Whether that's something as large as the image above or just an intricate starter foundation made from stone or stone bricks, foundations bring a lot of height and definition to a build.
#4 - Use logs as support beams

Using logs and wood as support beams is something that almost all professional Minecraft builders do. Using logs as structural pieces makes builds look a lot more realistic and intricate.
These logs also provide structure to the interior of a Minecraft build, allowing the player to have a good idea of the interior layout of the house.
#3 - Give the build depth

When building mansions in Minecraft, the best thing a player can add to their build is depth. Instead of keeping the build to a single shape, make sure to add different branches to add dimension.
Players can also use rooves, windows, and other details to add more dimension to the build. In the image above, the creator added slabs, stirs, and other decorational blocks to the outside of the house to create more depth and intricacy.
#2 - Use different blocks as decoration

Along with the last tip, Minecraft builders frequently use different blocks like slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, and more to create exterior decoration on their builds. This makes the entire structure seem more involved with the surroundings.
Decoration blocks like leaves, plants, ladders, and more can also help boost the appearance of a mansion and take it up a notch.
#1 - The more, the better

When making mansions in Minecraft, the main rule of thumb is that the more time and effort a player puts into the build, the better it'll be. It all comes down to how much a player wants to put into the build. The more blocks and the larger the scale, the more dramatic and epic it will seem.
With a sandbox game like Minecraft, there's an infinite amount of options for how far a player can go with a build. It can be neverending: players can build cities and villages to surround the mansion, park areas, market places, and so much more.
More patience is required when building something like this for a better outcome. It takes a lot of time and work to create epic mansions such as those in the images above.
Note: This list is subjective and reflects only the opinion of the article's writer.
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