One of the most crucial aspects to Minecraft is the ability to create a nether portal. It grants players access to a parallel, fiery dimension. This is where players can get their hands on blaze rods, which are a necessity if they hope to proceed to the end and take on the Ender Dragon.
The portal can be crafted easily using just ten blocks of obsidian. However, there are many more stylistic and aesthetic approaches to creating a nether portal surfacing lately.
Classic Nether Portal

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The classic nether portal is the one most commonly built by players who are just starting out. It's the version of the nether portal that has been the most commercialized, so readers have definitely seen this classic rendition at some point.
Building this version of the nether portal requires fourteen blocks of obsidian. Obsidian can only be mined using a diamond pickaxe, or created by pouring water into lava. If players pour lava into water, it'll create cobblestone, so it must be the other way around in order to make obsidian.
This portal has a 4x5 dimension, in that it must be five blocks high and four across.
After the 4x5 frame is built, light the center of the portal with a flint and steel, or a fire charge, and it'll create a working nether portal.
Minimal Nether Portal

Mining all fourteen blocks of obsidian can be difficult, especially since the block is so time consuming to mine. Luckily, there's a method to crafting a nether portal with four less blocks than the classic rendition.
The corners of the original nether portal aren't technically needed in order to get the portal to activate. Players can leave out all four corners when constructing their nether portal. It'll be two blocks of obsidian on the top and bottom, and three high on each side.

Sometimes, it's helpful to substitute the corners with other blocks, such as cobblestone, in order to put blocks in the right places and visualize what a full nether portal would look like.
Aesthetic Nether Portal

Minecraft's boundless imagination doesn't stop at building insane cities and complex castles. Players are free to make their portals as matched or unmatched to the hellfire aesthetic of the nether as they please.
The maximum size a working nether portal can be is 23x23
Within that range, there is nothing builders can't do. There are plenty of tutorials and references online for those looking to create the ultimate nether portal.
There are even tutorials and references on ways to spice up regular nether portals, so a bigger frame doesn't always equal a more aesthetic nether portal.
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