Building things in Minecraft is a really fun activity. Despite there being no circles in the game and a glaring lack of furniture, building is arguably the best part of the experience. Mining for diamonds, traversing the Nether and fighting the Ender Dragon are all really fun, but there's nothing quite like building an awesome base.
Thanks to players and their creative minds and Mojang for adding blocks to the game, so much is possible. There's almost nothing that can't be built in Minecraft, which is a big reason why it's so popular even today.
Generated structures come in all shapes and sizes, but they're also something players like to build themselves. Desert pyramids are awesome, but building one's own pyramid is just as fun as finding one. This article will go over the steps to build a successful pyramid.
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A guide to building a successful pyramid in Minecraft
Most pyramids look roughly the same. The Great Pyramids and all the other famous ones have something in common: they're the same shape. Minecraft pyramids deviate from that shape, but if players are interested in building one themselves, the classic pyramid is a good route to take.
Doing so is pretty simple, but it has to be just right. Having the dimensions off can ruin even the simplest build, but it's especially important with something like this.
Step 1: Build a base
No matter how big the pyramid needs to be, players have to start with a wide base. The pyramid only goes inwards and upwards after that, so the base will be the widest part. It is imperative that all sides are of the same length, otherwise it will look disappointingly wonky.
Players can select their preferred size and place down all the blocks in a square. Chiseled sandstone, cut sandstone, red sandstone or regular sandstone will work. Sand would look good, but it will fall to the ground without any support below it.
While support can be added, it requires filling in the pyramid, which means thousands of extra blocks.
Step 2: Build upwards
The next steps are simple: Minecraft gamers only need to move up and in. From the base, players will need to place one placeholder block either on top of or in front of the base.

Next, crafters will need to place a block on top of or next to the placeholder. If they place the placeholder on top of the base, put the next block in front of that one. If it is in front of the base, place it on top.
Step 3: Repeat step two
From there, Minecraft gamers can continue around the perimeter until they fill in another row. They should then repeat the process until the pyramid is complete. Later, they can even mine out a doorway in front of the pyramid or create a secret door leading to an intricate labyrinth.
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