The Elder Guardian is one of the most difficult Minecraft mobs to defeat. It exists only in an underwater structure, making it extremely difficult to find and explore without dying. Additionally, the Elder Guardian gives players Mining Fatigue, which makes it effectively impossible to break any blocks on the monument.
The mob itself isn't that difficult to defeat once it's found. Minecraft players with a good sword can make quick work of it, but everything before that is extremely difficult. Capturing all mobs is nothing new to Minecraft, but the Elder Guardian is one of the most difficult to capture. Here's how to do it.
Minecraft's Elder Guardian: How to capture
The Elder Guardian, first and foremost, has to be found. It will always be found in an Ocean Monument. These can be found by exploring deep oceans. It can be seen from the surface if players are in the vicinity. The best way, however, is with a map that can be traded from a Cartographer villager.
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The first step to capturing the Elder Guardian is to ensure there's a place to put it. This should be more than 50 blocks away from the player's general location so it doesn't give Mining Fatigue all the time. A 3x3 tunnel is helpful and it doesn't have to be filled with water.
Nether portals are also going to be necessary; one tunnel from the monument to the Nether and another from the Nether to the Overworld. These should be big enough so that it doesn't suffocate in the blocks.
Remove all the water from the room that the Elder Guardian is in. This can be done with sponges or slime blocks, the latter of which can be broken even with Mining Fatigue. The tunnels will need minecarts and rails in order to transport the Guardian.
Once it is through the first portal, ensure it goes into the minecart and then push it along down the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, leading into the portal, ensure there is an activator rail to remove the Guardian from the minecart. It can then be pushed through the portal.
It will come out in the Overworld and should be pushed into the cart and down the tunnel to wherever players want to keep the Guardian. He can stay there forever.
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