Conduits are one of the lesser-known items in Minecraft. Several items in Minecraft that gives players special powers like potions, enchantments, and Beacons are some of the items which are well known, but conduits are helpful to players as well.
More than 50% of Minecraft's world is filled with water bodies. Oceans in the game are massive, with loads of hidden secrets that players are always eager to explore. This is where conduits come into play, they have various powers that help players explore the ocean's depths with ease. However, making a conduit and using it correctly is not easy.
Diving into the mechanics of conduits in Minecraft
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How to make and activate a conduit
A conduit is a rare item that can only be crafted by a player with the help of one heart of the sea and eight nautilus shells. These items are hard to find, making it even more challenging to make a conduit.

Once players have the heart of the sea and nautilus shells, they can make a conduit. After this, players will need to set up a location in the water body where conduits can be activated. Conduits can only work when placed around prismarine blocks. Hence, players should have some on them.
Players will need to build three 5x5 open squares with prismarine blocks around the conduit, one around each axis. A minimum of three water blocks should be present between the conduit and the prismarine block frames. Once the conduit is activated, players can remove the extra blocks that they used.
Conduit powers

Upon activation, a conduit will start moving and particles can be seen around it. Once the conduit is activated, players will use its powers. A status effect called the 'Conduit Power' will be activated, which will restore the player's oxygen, give night vision to the player, and increase the mining speed by 16.7%.
The conduit will also help attack hostile mobs like Drowned, Guardians and Elder Guardians within a range of eight blocks of the conduit. A conduit's effective radius can be extended by increasing the size of the frames around the conduit. It also emits a light level of 15 when placed.
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