There are a lot of different building blocks available in Minecraft, some being much more easily obtainable than others. For example, wood planks are very easy to get, while blackstone is very difficult. In Creative mode, there are hundreds of different useful building blocks, but they're not always available in Survival without a lot of effort.
One of the building blocks that is often overlooked is concrete. Although concrete is one of the best building blocks in the game, it is also one of the most obscure.
Getting concrete in Survival is a little bit tricky, and here's how to do it.
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Concrete in Minecraft: A complete guide
Concrete can come in many colors, making it one of the best building blocks in the game. It can match anything and looks a lot better than most colored blocks in Minecraft.
Obtaining it will take a few steps. Concrete does not generate naturally, but the ingredients required for it do. The first step is to make concrete powder, which will obey the laws of gravity.
The two blocks needed to make concrete powder are gravel and sand. Hence, concrete powder is affected by gravity. The crafting recipe requires four blocks of gravel and four blocks of sand.
The final ingredient is the dye, which can be of any color. Including the dye will create eight blocks of concrete powder. However, this is not the final step to getting concrete.
Concrete is made from concrete powder, but it cannot be crafted. Concrete powder must come into contact with water to become concrete. Unfortunately, not all water sources will work for this process.
Rain, water bottles, and cauldrons have no effect on concrete powder in Minecraft. Players must use a source, flowing or waterlogged block, to make concrete. The easiest way to make it is to simply pour a bucket over it, but placing it into a body of water will work, too.
After that, concrete can be picked up, but it has to be mined with a pickaxe. It is slightly harder than terracotta, so it shouldn't take long to mine a single block.

Concrete comes in all 16 colors offered by the game. It's important to know what items make which dyes so that players can get the appropriate color for the concrete:
- White- Bonemeal
- Black- Ink sacs
- Brown- Cocoa beans
- Red- Poppies
- Green- Smelted cacti
- Blue- Lapis Lazuli or Cornflowers
- Yellow- Dandelions or sunflowers
- Gray- Ink sacs and bonemeal together
- Light gray- Oxeye daisies or gray dye and white dye together
- Orange- Orange tulips or red and yellow dye together
- Lime- Green and white dye together
- Light blue- Blue orchids or blue and white dye together
- Cyan- Blue and green dye together
- Pink- Red and white dye together
- Purple- Red and blue dye together
- Magenta- Lilacs or pink and purple dye
Dyes can be used on many different Minecraft items, but one of the most useful is concrete powder. Concrete must be dyed in powdered form when it is crafted.
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