Minecraft introduced Bees and Beehives in patch 1.15, which brought new life to the plains and forests of Minecraft's Overworld.
Bees are a neutral mob found most commonly in plains, sunflower plains, and flower forest biomes. Naturally, bees will be encountered near the nests that they spawned in, surrounded by flowers. For Minecraft gamers who love bees, or for those who simply want the resources that they supply, this article will breakdown how to make a Beehive and bring some bees to their new home.
Note: Before starting the process of making a Beehive, it is most efficient for the player to ensure that there is a pair of shears in their inventory.
How to craft a Beehive in Minecraft
Step 1: Find some Bees and their Nests

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Similiar to their real life counterparts, Minecraft bees also love flowers (no kidding, right?). In order to find some bees search in areas that are heavily and densely populated with flowers. Looking around trees close to flowers will maximize your chances of finding that illusive nest.
Step 2: Get the Bees breeding

With bees and at least one nest located, the next step is getting those bees in question to spawn more bees. The more bees there are, the quicker they will visit the flowers, and thereby produce honeycomb in their nest. To do this, collect flowers and give them to the bees in the area.
Step 3: Harvest Honeycomb from the Nests

After some time of the bees continuously bringing back honey, their nest will change in appearance to signify that there is honey inside. Once this happens, use a pair of shears on the nest in order to collect some Honeycomb. Every Minecraft player should be cautious and prepared when doing this, because it will result in the bees becoming hostile.
Do not break the nest - doing so will not result in any Honeycomb dropping.
Step 4: Craft the Beehive

With Honeycomb in hand and safely away from any angry bees, the last step is crafting the actual beehive. All that is neccessary is the three Honeycomb that dropped from the filled nest and any six planks of wood.
Optional Step 5: Bring bees to the Beehive

With the Beehive complete, the only thing left to do is bring some bees back to Beehive. Go back out with a flower in hand and lure some bees back to the Beehive. Lastly, ensure that there are flowers on the ground near the Beehive and voila - a self sufficient Minecraft honey making machine is born!
Alternative Method
Instead of going out and finding bees, bees can actually be influenced to spawn inside or close to a player's Minecraft base. To do this simply collect a bunch of oak and birch tree saplings through any method. Any of these samplings that are planted within 2 blocks of a flower have a 5% chance to spawn a bee nest and some bees.
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