Minecraft's Buzzy Bees Update has added small and cute bees to the game. This update has introduced bees and various related items and blocks. Some of them include honeycombs, beehives, honey blocks, and more.
Bees are neutral mobs found naturally in plains, forests, and birch biomes. These adorable mobs are attracted to all types of flowers in Minecraft. Players can breed bees using flowers.
Using bees, players can farm honeycombs and honey bottles required to craft honeycomb blocks and honey blocks.
Honey blocks in Minecraft
How to make honey blocks in Minecraft?

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To craft one honey block, players need four bottles of honey. Players can get honey bottles by right-clicking empty bottles on a honey-dripping beehive or bee nest. Players need to be safe while doing this as it can anger any bees inside the nest or hive.
Players can put empty glass bottles in a dispenser and activate them with a button or lever to get honey bottles without aggroing the bees. Another way to do this is using a campfire under the nest/hive to force bees out. Bees won't get angry with a player when they are outside.
How to get bees, beehives, and bee nests?

Players have a better chance of finding bees in plains and sunflower plains. Bees also spawn naturally in forests, wooded hills, and birch biomes. Players can attract bees using flowers or using a lead.
Players can craft beehives using six planks of any type and three honeycombs. One beehive can store up to three bees. Players can also find bee nests naturally, along with bees.
Players can place a campfire under a bee nest to force the bees out and break the bee nest without aggroing them. Another way to obtain a bee nest is by mining it with a silk touch pickaxe or axe. Silk Touch preserves the bees inside of the nest.
Uses of honey blocks

Players can use honey blocks to make Redstone contraptions. Like slime, honey blocks can also stick to blocks, but they don't cling to slime. It allows Redstone engineers to make compact contraptions like world eater, TNT dupers, and more.
Entities, including players, can stick to honey blocks and fall slowly. Due to this, players can also use them to go down excellently and smoothly in Minecraft.
Read: Top 5 uses of honey in Minecraft
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