In Minecraft, players can farm almost all types of blocks and items, including mob drops. Players can obtain items from mobs by killing or using items on them. The best way to farm any material is by making an automatic farm.
With automatic farms, players can easily acquire items in Minecraft. Even simple mobs like chicken can be automated for farming as well. In this article, players will learn how to build a simple automatic chicken farm. This farm will produce cooked chicken and feathers.
How to create an automatic chicken farm in Minecraft
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Connect the Hopper to the chest

The first step for building an automatic chicken farm is creating a storage system. The storage mechanism for this farm is quite simple. Players must then place a chest and connect a hopper to it. This chest will collect cooked chicken and feathers dropped by dead chickens.
Put a slab on top of the hopper and two dispensers facing towards the slab

This farm depends on the chicken's hitbox area. Baby chickens are among the smallest mobs in Minecraft. When a baby chicken grows, its hitbox will touch the lava from the top dispenser.
Players must then place a slab on top of the hopper. Instead of slabs, players can use daylight sensors as well. Do not use trapdoors for this purpose. After placing the slab, place two dispensers as shown in the image.
Connect a hopper to the bottom dispenser

Place a hopper going into the bottom dispenser. This hopper will take eggs from chickens and dispense them into the killing chamber. There is a 1/8 chance of an egg spawning a baby chicken in Minecraft.

Put a carpet on the hopper, as shown in the image. Behind the hopper, place a block with a comparator on top. Make sure the comparator is facing out of the hopper.
Add some Redstone magic

Redstone is an integral part of most automatic farms in Minecraft. This chicken farm also requires a little Redstone to work correctly. Players must place an observer facing the comparator.
When a chicken lays an egg, it gets sucked by the hopper, which is detected by the comparator. Players can detect this event using an observer and create a signal to activate the dispenser with a lava bucket.
Make a chicken chamber

Place two glass blocks on empty sides of the carpet on the hopper. Use building blocks to make a cage for the chickens. In Minecraft, layers can use wheat seeds to attract chicken or use leads to pull them into the cell. After they are inside, breed the chickens to increase their number up to 24.

Once the chickens are ready, place an observer above them, as shown in the image. Players can now remove the building blocks. Finally, cover the front area with glass blocks.
A few final touches

Add a Redstone dust behind the back of the observer facing the comparator. When this observer detects a change in the comparator, it will power the Redstone signal seen by the observer above the chickens.

Place a Redstone dust on top of the dispenser. In this dispenser, add a bucket of lava. Every time an egg is dispensed, the above dispenser will dispense lava. The chickens inside the chamber will then lay eggs from time to time.

When the baby chickens turn into adults, they will die to lava and drop cooked chicken and feathers. It is a practical and straightforward design for beginner Minecraft players.
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