When players first enter a Minecraft world, they will notice that it is daytime and the sun has risen from one direction. This shows that the game has a day and night cycle. When players are new to the game, their first challenge is to secure themselves before the first night falls.
Both day and night are two different times of day in Minecraft. They affect many aspects of the Overworld. Since the Nether and End realms do not have the sun or the moon, they do not follow the day and night cycle.
If players know exactly what happens during the day and night, they will be prepared for their journey in the game.
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Total in-game time for a day-night cycle in Minecraft

First, players must understand how long it takes for a day in Minecraft to complete. They will notice that the sun and moon in the game will complete their cycles quite quickly compared to real life.
A full day in Minecraft is about 20 minutes in real life. This means that the sun rises and sets (followed by the moon cycle) in only 20 minutes. In terms of in-game ticks, one day comprises of 24 thousand ticks.
Hence, players will notice the days passing by quickly, even if they've only played for a few hours.
Mob spawning changes

One of the main effects the day and night cycle has is on mob spawning. Players will soon understand how the mobs in the game spawn at different times of day.
During the day, players will find loads of farm animals like chickens, sheep, cows, and pigs spawning in plains biomes. Other passive mobs also spawn in their dedicated biomes, making the world look peaceful and beautiful.

However, the moment night falls, dangerous hostile mobs start spawning and swarming the land. This is because the light level on each block decreases to zero, enabling the game to spawn hostile mobs on the surface. As the light level of each block decreases, regular farm animals and other passive mobs also stop spawning.
Changing the day-night cycle with commands

In most aspects of the game, the time of day can be altered using commands. To use commands, players will need to be in a world where cheats are enabled.
One of the most popular commands is '/time', which helps players change the time of day. The time can be selected between day, noon, sunset, night, and midnight. If players want a specific time of day, they can also input the tick number, anywhere from zero to 24000.
Additionally, if players want to completely stop the day and night cycle, they can do so with the '/gamerule' command. They can type 'doDayLightCycle' and set it to false. This will stop the sun and moon movement, thereby stopping time. Players can still use the '/time' command to change the time of day.
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