The creaking in Minecraft is a new mob arriving in the Winter Drop game drop, but it can currently be encountered in Java Edition snapshots as well and tested out while Mojang continues to tweak it. The hostile mobs can be found naturally in the Pale Garden biome, spawned at night by blocks called creaking hearts. But how can creakings be defeated in combat?
Put plainly, the creaking is highly resistant to damage and can't be killed via conventional means in Minecraft. Even if it's killed by a command, the creaking heart connected to it will respawn it. That leaves only one option for defeating the creaking: destroying the creaking heart block it's connected to.
Destroying the creaking by removing its creaking heart in Minecraft

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According to Mojang during Minecraft Live 2024, the only way to truly destroy a creaking mob is to destroy the creaking heart the mob is connected to. Fortunately, creaking hearts aren't that hard to break and this can be done by hand or with a tool (particularly an axe). It's also possible to use a Silk Touch-enchanted tool to break and collect a creaking heart and still kill connected creakings.
Each time a creaking is spawned, it is connected to a creaking heart, which according to Minecraft Live 2024, "controls the creaking like a puppet". For this reason, the creaking is simply just an extension of the creaking heart, and cannot be killed unless the creaking heart is destroyed. Fortunately, if you're confused as to which creaking heart a creaking is connected to, you can strike the creaking.
After being hit, the creaking will create spore-like orange and gray particles that will point to the connected creaking heart. From here, you can head to the creaking heart in Minecraft and break it, which will immediately kill the creaking as well. While it's technically possible to deal damage to the creaking, the mob simply can't be killed by conventional methods even if it can be slightly harmed.
The only other way to get rid of a creaking is to wait out the clock until daytime returns. If a naturally-spawned creaking is present during the daytime and the weather isn't stormy, it will despawn. The caveat to this is if you place a name tag on the creaking, which will prevent it from despawning as you would expect when a name tag is placed on other in-game mobs.

All things considered, destroying creaking hearts is the solution to defeating creakings in Mojang's sandbox title. As a matter of fact, if you break all of the creaking hearts in a Pale Garden biome during the day, the biome will cease to be able to spawn creaking. Without creaking hearts, no creaking can spawn, and this is an incredibly helpful thing to keep in mind while venturing through the Pale Garden biome.
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