Vexes are a flying mob in Minecraft. They are created by an evoker spell when the pillager mob is threatened, usually by a player.
Typically, evokers in the game will summon a group of three vexes at a time. These vexes will fly about and harass their targets, attacking them in melee range.
However, if some existing vexes are still alive and the evoker uses the summon spell again, it can create additional vexes. These mobs technically use iron swords. However, they will still attack without a weapon.
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The good news is that vexes don't have a ton of health and have a built-in death mechanic if they exist for a certain amount of time.
Ways to kill vexes in Minecraft version 1.18

By default, in Minecraft's Normal difficulty, vexes have a total of nine health (4-1/2 hearts). This makes them fairly easy to dispatch when in melee combat, which is better compared to using ranged attacks due to the high mobility of vexes.
However, if Minecraft players are confident in their aim, hitting a vex with an arrow or firework rocket shouldn't be completely out of the question.
Regardless, vexes also have a time-reliant death mechanic. After 30 to 119 seconds, they will begin to take damage on their own until they die. This was likely done to prevent summoned vexes from crowding a given area and causing problems since they're primarily used as a weapon to be commanded by an evoker.
However, if a player summons vexes via a spawn egg in Creative Mode or via commands, a vex will not take damage over time.
Vexes will also not despawn if affixed with a nametag, adjusted with certain commands or are present inside a block or a minecart/boat.
Minecarts and boats are excellent places to trap vexes before killing them. Since vexes are melee attackers, they have to be close to their enemies in order to cause any damage.
Considering this, Minecraft players can place a vex in a minecart or boat and then pick it off at range. Shields are also particularly useful against vexes. Mobs that strike a shield typically have to recover for a moment before they can do so again, creating an opening for players to counterattack.
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