Every Minecraft player in the world is familiar with the differences between Java and Bedrock. More experienced players might know about Education Edition and its quirks. But only veterans will be familiar with the unique version of Mojang's blocky masterpiece available solely in China. This version, aptly named China Edition, is quite different than Java and Bedrock.
Every major way that the China Edition is different from Bedrock and Java can be found detailed below, along with what makes these variances important.
How Minecraft China compares to Java and Bedrock

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One of the biggest differences between the China Edition and Java and Bedrock is just how locked down it is. While the China Edition is free to download, a valid Chinese ID is required to play. Outside of this, the game will also attempt to check its location to lock out foreign users.

Unfortunately, a big negative aspect of the China Edition is all the premium currencies found in it. Bedrock players will be familiar with Minecraft Minecoins, which are used to buy items in the Marketplace. The China Edition uses diamonds for this. However, there are also emeralds, which are obtained by buying diamonds and are reset every month.
That's not all though, as the different shops also feature Minecraft dyes, end crystals, and purpur blocks as premium currencies. This version of the game is designed to try and get players to spend lots of real-world money.
The China Edition also features paid mods and datapacks, similar to how Bedrock handles things with the Minecraft Marketplace. These mods can then be combined and used in any combination, actually making this solution better than what Bedrock players had until the recent add-ons.

The China Edition also has an incredibly in-depth character customization system, even when compared with Bedrock's system. This is to help support the previously mentioned aggressive monetization through the purchase of individual items and character creator item lootboxes.

China Edition players have access to Stories. These are different adventure games and custom Minecraft survival worlds to play through each month, aiming to get players coming back for more. This is as if different adventure worlds were officially released each month in the Marketplace for free for the entire community to play.
China Edition players can also have friendly companions that will follow them around at all times. There are a ton of options, including custom animations and pet emotes.
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