As Minecraft players explore, build, and craft through their worlds, they'll most likely need gold at some point. Gold ingots are fairly helpful when it comes to crafting great items like golden apples or even netherite ingots.
Although gold ingots may not be as precious as diamonds or even iron, it's always good to have a fair amount saved up. Fortunately, gold isn't exactly as rare as diamonds or ancient debris, and there are different ways for players to gather it efficiently in both the Overworld and the Nether. These range from mining gold ore to farming zombified piglins in the Nether.
Since there are quite a few methods to gather or farm gold in Minecraft 1.19, it doesn't hurt to take a look at the easiest methods to do so.
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Top methods for collecting gold easily in Minecraft 1.19
Mining/Blast Mining

While mining may not be the fastest way to collect gold in Minecraft, it still works very well if players know exactly where to look. Specifically, standard gold ore is found in its highest concentrations (on average) at Y=-16 in both the Java and Bedrock Editions of the game. If players don't have a quality enchanted pickaxe to break through excess blocks, it won't be a bad idea to bring along some TNT blocks and Flame-enchanted arrows to blast mine large tunnels underground.
If players want to break softer blocks while still finding gold, they can head to the Nether. In this dimension, Nether gold ore generates from Y=10 to Y=117, but its distribution is far more randomized than in the Overworld. Fortunately, Nether gold ore appears in every Nether biome with the exception of basalt deltas, and netherrack/soul sand/soul soil is much easier to break with tools.
Looting generated structures

If mining isn't exactly in a Minecraft player's best interests at the moment, there's certainly nothing wrong with snagging gold ingots from loot chests. Gold ingots can be found in various in-game structures, although each structure comes with its own dangers. End cities, jungle temples, and Nether fortresses are all great locations to find gold ingots, but the best option when it comes to generated structures tends to be buried treasure.
Fortunately, buried treasure in both editions of Minecraft generates in very specific ways, allowing players to find these hidden beach chests without requiring a map once they have the search methods down.
Farming zombified piglins
While this farming method is the most resource-intensive for collecting gold in Minecraft, it ensures that players never run out of gold again. By creating a manual or automated farm within the Nether or outside of a Nether portal, players can funnel zombified piglins into a kill pit. Since these undead piglins occasionally drop both golden nuggets as well as full gold ingots, farming zombie piglins can lead to hundreds and thousands of gold items once the farm is up and running.
Gold farms tend to be a bit more complex than they initially appear, but they're by no means the most difficult Minecraft farms to build. Additionally, there are smaller-scale designs that are perfect for newcomers and players who are still in the early-game. Even a small zombified piglin farm should suffice for a player until they need to expand their operations to garner thousands of nuggets and ingots over a period of time.
Ultimately, the final design of a gold farm comes down to the Minecraft player who's building it. However, once a gold farm is up and running, players won't need to worry about running out of gold ore or loot chests ever again. Being able to gather gold from zombie piglins makes gold a renewable resource, and saves plenty of time in the long run.
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