The trident is a very versatile weapon that players can use in Minecraft. One of the best features of the trident is that it can be used as both a melee weapon and a ranged weapon. When properly enchanted with Loyalty, the trident will fly back to the player after being thrown at the target. But just how far can a player throw the trident in Minecraft? The answer depends on a few factors.
How far can the trident go in Minecraft?
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Players can obtain tridents from killing drowned. This is the only natural way that the weapon can be obtained in Survival mode. Drowned have a 15% chance of spawning with a trident. They can throw unlimited tridents that cannot be picked up by the player. That said, when you're killing a drowned that has a trident, it will have a 6.25% chance of dropping the trident for the player to pick up, making the obtainment of the trident uncommon.
As players would expect, there are a few different ways they can cover longer distances with the trident. In general, the distance that a trident can be thrown depends upon the angle the player is holding the trident when throwing it. The sweet spot for throwing a trident is about a 40-degree angle, which will cause them to travel upwards of 80 blocks, which is the max range under normal conditions.
The higher up a player is, the farther they can throw the trident
As referenced by YouTuber Logdotzip in his Minecraft Science series, when a player is at a high altitude or in an elevated position, it can increase the distance of the thrown trident.
If the player is 50 blocks above the surface of the ground and the angle is ideal, the trident can reach distances of up to 115 blocks, which is about the spawn distance of mobs, meaning they can hit mobs as soon as they spawn in the world.
Things to consider when throwing a trident so far
If the player throws a trident into the void, it may completely disappear, even when it is enchanted with Loyalty. Keeping that in mind, Minecraft players may want to ensure they always know where their unenchanted trident is going when throwing them such long distances so they do not lose track of where it lands.
However, enchanting a trident with Loyalty is the best way to go at all times.
Why should a player enchant a trident with Loyalty?
When a player enchants their trident with Loyalty, it will always return to their hands when thrown. This makes it great for using the weapon to attack enemies who are farther away without having to worry about running after the trident or losing it completely.
It is always recommended that you enchant the weapon with Loyalty if you want to make heavy use of it.
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