Basalt is an igneous rock in Minecraft, which only spawns naturally in the Nether realm. It is found as familiar terrain in the Basalt Delta biome and tall pillars in Soul Sand Valleys.
Basalt serves as the parent block for Polished Basalt and Smooth Basalt. As of now, Basalt is only used for building and decoration. Its dark color makes for some exciting usage in Minecraft builds, and polished Basalt has a nice design, enabling it for decoration.
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Farming Basalt in Minecraft
Most Basalt farms in Minecraft are built on the idea of being automatic. Automatic farms are far more reliable and efficient and are faster than manual farms. An automatic Basalt farm is trickier to build and requires more materials. However, this build is more convenient than the manual build, as all the Basalt will go directly into a chest.
Materials required
- 2 Chests
- 1 piston
- Blue ice
- Lava bucket
- Soul Soil
- Dropper
- Redstone
- Redstone Comparator
- Observers
- Lever
- A stack of blocks (blocks that can’t catch fire)
Step 1

Place a block on the ground and place a piston over it. The piston should be facing the player like in the image. Place three soul soil blocks beside the starting (stone) block, and put blue ice on them as shown. Then place three stone blocks on the other side as well.
Step 2

Now place two observers facing each other on the blue ice and the stone block. The eyes of the observers should start blinking if placed correctly. Cover the structure with stone blocks and place lava in between.
Step 3

The player will notice that a piece of Basalt has appeared in the middle of the farm. Next, place a double chest and place two hoppers beside them as shown. Make sure the hoppers are funneling towards the double chest.
Step 4

Place a stone block in front of the first hopper and place an obsidian block over it. Next, enclose the hoppers in stone blocks to stop the Basalt from getting out of the farm.
Step 5

Build a path of blocks to house the Redstone comparator and lever, and connect the Redstone to the piston as shown. Place a block beside the double chest.
Step 6

Turn the lever on and start breaking the resulting Basalt, which will then go inside the chest via the hoppers.
Video tutorial
Basalt is a vital decoration block in Minecraft, which can be generated in massive amounts if a farm is built. Basalt farms are convenient ways to obtain Basalt. The automatic farm method is reliable and efficient. It will make a lot more Basalt than the simple method.
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