Dripstone is a new type of block that was added to Minecraft back in 2021 with the 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update, part 1. It was part of the new dripstone cave biome added with the update. The dripstone is an in-game variant of stalagtites and stalagmites found in the real world. The regular dripstone block gradually creates the pointed dripstone by dropping water. If there is a water block above the dripstone block, the generation of pointed dripstones is catalyzed.
This phenomenon can be used to create a farm from which players can get loads of pointed dripstone in a few hours. Here is how a pointed dripstone farm can be made in Minecraft.
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Steps to create a dripstone farm in Minecraft in 2023
1) Items needed for the farm

Before building the dripstone farm in the game, you must gather all the blocks and items needed for it. Since this is a fairly simple farm, these are the only resources needed for the farm:
- 1 hopper
- 1 redstone dust
- 1 piston
- 1 dirt block
- 1 water bucket
- 1 observer
- 1 dripstone block
- 1 pointed dripstone
- 2 chests
- 20 glass blocks
Remember, this particular set of items will make the simplest dripstone farm. If you want to multiply the numbers and make more setups, you will need more resources. However, you will not need any new ones.
2) Create the collection area

Now, you must create the collection area where all the pointed dripstones will be stored. You must first place two chests together to create a larger one and then connect a hopper to it. Make sure that the hopper is properly connected to the chest so that it transfers all the items to it.
The large chest can be placed in a certain way so players can easily collect the pointed dripstones by opening them. For reference, a picture has been provided above.
3) Observer and Piston contraption

Next, you need to create a small redstone contraption using an observer and piston that will regularly break pointed dripstone when it grows. The observer will be placed on top of the piston, and they should be facing toward the hopper below but should be a few blocks above it.
Behind the piston, place the dirt block and the redstone dust on top of it. This will essentially connect the observer to the piston. The moment the observer notices a block state change in the pointed dripstone, it will send a redstone signal to the piston, activating it. The piston will push the grown pointed dripstone, breaking it.
For reference, you can see the picture provided above.
4) Pointed dripstone and water

Finally, on top of the observer block, players can place the dripstone block and the pointed dripstone right underneath it. The positioning of the pointed dripstone should be in front of the observer's face-like side.
On top of the regular dripstone block, you can place water and cover it with glass blocks so it does not spill. The rest of the farm can also be covered with glass blocks so the broken, pointed dripstone is not thrown out.
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