The totem of undying is one of the most useful items in Minecraft, especially for players who are playing in Hardcore mode. This is due to the fact that totems of undying will save Hardcore Minecraft players from losing their entire world. Unfortunately, they are also one of the hardest items to acquire in the game.
Luckily, there are a few techniques that players can take advantage of to farm totems of undying. Players should have a small stash of totems of undying on them so they can avoid losing all of their gear and possibly even their world. Listed below are some of the techniques that players can use to obtain a source of totems of undying.
How to create a farm for totems of undying in Minecraft
Farm techniques

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While totems of undying are quite hard to acquire, players can establish a few farming techniques that will allow for quicker collection.
First of all, the evoker is the only mob that can drop the totem of undying. This is why players will have to either travel to where this mob spawns or activate a raid.
Minecraft players who do not want to create a raid farm can simply travel to woodland mansions. These mansions have the chance at containing a few evokers, which will grant the player some totems of undying. Players looking to acquire a large number of totems will have to create a raid farm.
While creating a raid farm sounds like a daunting task at first, a few Minecrafters have invented simple designs that any player can build.
The video above showcases the most simple raid farm. While it is made in Minecraft update 1.16, it also works for 1.17.
This raid farm consists of creating an underground village using a villager and a bed and creating a trap above it.
When the player kills a flag-carrying pillager and walks towards the farm, a raid will commence. The player will then run to the underground bunker, where the pillagers will be funneled to with flowing water.
Minecraft players will then be able to hit the feet of the pillagers, including evokers. More evokers spawn during raids than in woodland mansions, allowing for the safe collection of totems of undying.
After defeating the raid, the player can simply kill another flag-carrying pillager to start another. It is best for Hardcore Minecraft players to have a constant supply of totems of undying since death can happen at any moment, especially from elytra accidents.
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