Minecraft's desert pyramids are a semi-rare but extremely helpful naturally generated structure. Due to its ability to easily blend in with its environment, Minecraft players searching for desert pyramids will have to have a keen eye. Nevertheless, players are highly recommended to uncover desert pyramids for many reasons.
When found in the early to mid-game, Minecraft's desert pyramids can provide a needed boost in progression. These pyramids also give players an incentive to travel through the barren wastelands that are the deserts of Minecraft. While desert pyramids are great to find at any point in a playthrough, not many players know how to find them easily.
How to easily locate desert pyramids in Minecraft
Best techniques to find desert pyramids

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Most Minecraft players with some common sense will know that they first have to find a desert biome before finding a desert temple.
Desert biomes can easily be found by either riding a boat down the coast or traveling on top of a large mountain to survey the lands below. Either way, it shouldn't take too long to find a desert biome.
Unfortunately, not every desert biome will contain a desert pyramid, which can make the search a lot more difficult. Lucky Minecraft players have a small chance to find multiple desert pyramids in one biome. Once the player has found a desert biome, there are a few techniques they can utilize to maximize their chance of finding a desert pyramid.
Firstly, the Minecraft player will want to get to the highest point possible in the desert biome. This will allow them to scout as much land as physically possible. Players can also build 1x1 towers to accomplish the same goal.
After getting to a high point, players have the option to increase their render distance and decrease their POV. This will grant them a much easier time when scouting the desert wastelands.
The final (and best) technique is for players to utilize their seed to find all of the pyramids in their world. Minecraft players can visit the desert temple finder website to accomplish this.
After entering the website, players must go back into their game and type in "/seed" in the chat box. This will give them their seed, which they must type into the desert temple finder website.
After typing their seed in, players will have to enter their coordinates in the "X" and "Y" boxes, which will show the nearest desert temples to the players current coordinates.
Both of these techniques are fantastic ways for players to find desert pyramids and all of the sweet loot they contain.
The YouTube video above provides a visual tutorial on the best techniques to find desert pyramids.
Also read: How to find a jungle temple in Minecraft?
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