When traversing the enormous world of Minecraft, many players often hunt for villages. The particular settlements can prove to be great sources to get food, shelter, and, most importantly, the villagers themselves.
In essence, gamers can find villages in various biomes, including deserts, plains, savannas, meadows, and others. Each one features villagers, buildings, and landscapes that are visually distinct from one another.
Desert villages are one of the types found in the sandbox title, and as understandable by their name, they are found in the desert biome. Since the biome is so desolate, these settlements and the ancient temples are only some of the few good things that players will be able to find.
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Nevertheless, locating a village in Minecraft can be challenging at times and may require gamers to invest a significant amount of their time in the process. The section below outlines a few ways that they can be used to find desert villages.
Methods to look for desert villages in Minecraft
Locating desert villages can be incredibly helpful for players as they can be a great place to settle down and build a base. In addition, these kinds of villages often include animals, such as cows, sheep, pigs, and cats.
Below is a list of some of the strategies that users can utilize to locate villages in the game’s desert biome:
1) Manual searching

The most popular method players can employ to locate desert villages in Minecraft is by manually searching for them. This might sound like a fairly silly statement, but it’s true all the same.
The first thing they will be required to do is to locate the specific biome in their world. While it might be time-consuming, one of the best parts of playing the sandbox title is actually manual exploration.
Sooner or later, gamers will surely end up locating a desert village. A helpful tip for them is to look for water nearby, as there is a high chance that villages will end up near water sources.
2) Using the locate command (/locate)

The other method that gamers can try to find the desert village is the game’s “locate” command. The steps involved in it are as follows:
Step 1: First, you will have to open the text chat by pressing “T” on your keyboard. (controls on other platforms will vary).
Step 2: As the next step, enter “/locate structure minecraft:village_desert” without any errors.
Step 3: You will soon find the distance to the nearest desert village. Subsequently, navigate to the particular coordinates.
Eventually, you will end up in a desert village. The locate command can also be used to find settlements of other kinds.
3) Seed analysis tools/seed maps

Using seed analysis tools or seed maps is another excellent approach to locating villages and other structures in your Minecraft world. You must first determine the seed of your world, which can be accomplished by using the “/seed” command.
Once the seed is discovered, several websites on the internet can assist in generating the seed maps. For example, gamers can use “https://www.chunkbase.com” to retrieve the map.
After locating the desert village on the map, you can make your way to the specific location.
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