When Minecraft introduced the 1.9 update, adding plenty of new content to the End, players were excited to explore the new generated structures found in the revamped overworld.
Now that this update has been out for years, most players have grown comfortable with the once-new End Cities and End Ships scattered throughout the barren landscape of the End. Some players — especially those new to the game — are still looking for these amazing structures to uncover the treasures found within them.
Here is an extensive overview of what End Cities and End Ships are, where to find them, and what can be found inside them.
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Where are End Cities found in Minecraft?

End Cities are naturally generated structures found in the outer islands of the End. Players can access this area of the End after defeating the Ender Dragon by finding the floating portal that appears somewhere around the main End map's edge.
These cities spawn primarily on the larger End islands with a lot of surface area. Many islands of this size spawn Chorus Plants and Chorus Fruit on them, so players who have come across those growths are usually heading in the right direction.
These structures test players' patience, as they can spawn thousands upon thousands of blocks apart, making it easy for players to miss them or not come across one, even after hours of exploring.
End Cities form in End Midland biomes or End Highland biomes, which are large, flat expanses found on the End's larger islands. If players spawn on a smaller island when they enter the portal, they must either build between islands, use ender pearls, or fly with an elytra.
What can be found in End Cities?

End Cities have multiple treasure rooms scattered throughout their elaborately generated structures, each containing up to four chests and holding fantastic loot.
End cities have some of the best loot in the game, but a lot of it isn't as 'impressive' to players since they are usually quite far along in their game when they begin searching for these structures.
Chests in End Cities can contain anything from iron, gold, diamond, and emerald to diamond armor and weapons enchanted with OP enchantments.
Where are End Ships found in Minecraft?

End Ships are generated structures that have a chance of spawning at the end of bridges in End Cities. Every bridge in an End City has a 12.5% chance of spawning an End Ship, meaning that over half of all End Cities in a world will have a connected End Ship.
There is no way for two End Ships to spawn with a single End City, and the reasoning behind that is because the loot found inside of them is incredibly rare.
What are End Ships?

End Ships are generated structures that can occur around End Cities. They are usually incredibly high up in the sky and contain some of the game's best loot. They are made entirely of purpur blocks and end stone bricks, which is the same as End Cities.
The structure is incredibly detailed, and there are many little areas for players to explore, despite its small size. There's a lower section where gamers can find treasure (protected by a shulker), a lower and upper part to the deck, and even a crows nest for players to use to look out over the barren End terrain.
End Ships are currently the only way for players to access and obtain Dragon Heads in Minecraft's survival mode, as a head spawns at the bow of every ship as an emblem.
Each End Ship has three Shulkers on board to 'protect' the loot found in the ship's undersection.
What can be found in End Ships?

Although End Ships are significantly smaller than the End Cities they spawn beside, they easily have the best loot in the game. End Ships have dragon heads to collect at the front of the ship, which is the only way to collect these Ender Dragon heads in Minecraft survival mode.
They also contain two chests of overpowered content and a framed elytra for the player to possess that can be found in the ship's underbelly.
End Ships are vital in late-game development as they are the only way for players to get their hands on elytra's and the dragon head. Although the latter hasn't got a particular purpose in-game, it's an incredible trophy piece to have in a base or home, as a keepsake from the End.
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