The End City is one of the last structures you will explore in Minecraft as they are present in locations that you simply cannot access until you complete the underlying story of the sandbox title. However, once you find the End City, you will be rewarded with some of the best loot in the game.
The structure is located deep in the End realm and has very unique architecture. It is the most difficult one to find, but your efforts will not go in vain.
Locate End City in Minecraft and find good loot (2023)
Here are the steps to find the End City in Minecraft.
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1) Enter the End realm

First, you need to find a stronghold structure in the Overworld, which is where the End portal will be present. Since it is extremely rare, you have to craft eyes of ender and use them to find it. They generate underground and are quite tricky to navigate.
Find the end portal room and immediately destroy the silverfish spawner block. You must also have an ample amount of eyes of ender so as to fill the portal and activate it.
2) Fight the Ender Dragon

Before entering the End realm, you must prepare yourself to fight one of the strongest mobs in the entire game - the Ender Dragon. It is the final boss mob in Minecraft, and you will be directly thrown into a fight with the beast the moment you enter through the portal for the first time.
Once you are ready, enter the End realm and fight the dragon. One of the easiest ways to defeat it is by using beds right above the bedrock fountain and blowing them up as soon as the dragon perches down.
3) Explore other End islands

Once you have defeated the dragon, two different End portals will generate on the main island. One will generate inside the bedrock fountain, which will spawn you back to the Overworld, and another will originate at the edge of the main island that accesses the rest of the realm.
You must go through the portal at the edge of the main island to access other End islands, where End Cities will be located.
4) Travel through the End realm

The End Realm is a dangerous place to explore. If you fall off the edge of an island, there is nothing but void, and it will instantly kill you. Hence, you should always carry loads of blocks and ender pearls to build bridges or directly teleport to a safe area.
Keep exploring in a particular direction and changing directions until End City becomes visible. You can also increase your render distance to spot one quickly. You are bound to find one eventually.
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