The end ship is one of the most coveted naturally-generating structures in Minecraft. Unfortunately, they are also quite difficult to find.
To be able to acquire the wonderful loot that is found in the end ship, players must be aware of its surrounding terrain.
Any Minecraft player who has made it to the End knows that it is a treacherous place. With the threat of hundreds of endermen and the mighty ender dragon, players must ensure they are ready to take on the End.
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Be Prepared

Before entering the End to look for the end ship, Minecraft players must be prepared for various situations.
Firstly, players must defeat the deadly ender dragon before they even have a chance at finding the end ship. To do this, players are recommended to bring the following items:
- Full diamond armor (enchanted preferred)
- Potion of Slow Falling (for ender dragon wing attack)
- Enchanted diamond sword
- Enchanted bow
- Multiple stacks of arrows (or infinity enchanted bow)
- Multiple stacks of blocks (to destroy end crystals and island-hop)
- Food
If the player brings most of the items listed above, they should have no problem defeating the ender dragon. However, this is only the beginning.
After defeating the ender dragon, players will need to enter the floating portal. Before entering the portal, players are advised to bring multiple stacks of ender pearls to allow for efficient island-hopping.
Searching for the end ship in Minecraft

Once the player has entered the floating portal, they are now ready to search for the end ship.
Players are recommended to use their stacks of blocks to build a bridge from island to island, only throwing ender pearls when there is no risk of falling into the void. Many players have died and lost all of their items from failed ender pearl throws.
End ships will only spawn in end cities, which are quite rare themselves. These cities will spawn on large end islands and have bright purple towers (seen above).
To be exact, each direction of the square end city tower has a 50% chance of generating a bridge. These bridges have a 12.5% chance of generating an end ship.
Players may have to discover multiple end cities until they find one with an end ship. However, this long process will be worth it as the end ship's loot is some of the best in the game.
The main reason that players look for end ships is the guaranteed elytra spawn, which is widely known as the best item in Minecraft.
The quick video above details how to find an end ship in Minecraft.
Also read: How to selectively breed animals in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition
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