After a breathtaking nether update, many fans weren't expecting an update as big as Minecraft Caves and Cliffs. Even without massive caves and mountains, the 1.17 update has added blocks and items more than the nether update.
Many fans are already busy farming all the new blocks that have arrived in the first phase of Minecraft Caves and Cliffs. Some players may find problems while finding new blocks rather than farming them.
Find every new block in Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update
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Amethysts have one of the most beautiful textures in Minecraft. Players can find amethyst blocks in amethyst geodes. In amethyst geodes, players can farm amethyst shards, which can be used for crafting amethyst blocks, spyglasses, and more.
Drip leaves and glow berries
Some players are under the misassumption that moss and glow berries are not available as there are no lush caves in regular worlds. Mojang has added moss blocks and glow berries as items in loot chests.
Players can find moss in shipwreck loot chests, whereas glow berries in minecart chests of mineshafts. After obtaining moss and glow berries, players can use bonemeal to farm and get more of them.
As for the drip leaves, players can obtain them via trading with wandering traders and farm them using bonemeal.
Raw ores

Mining iron, gold, and copper ore can now drop raw ores. Using nine raw ores, players can craft a raw ore block. Since players can now use fortune on ores, but they may end up getting a lot of raw ores. Players can craft raw ores and save up some space.
Copper Ore
Copper ores frequently generate at height levels 48-49. After getting raw copper, smelt it to obtain copper ingots. Using copper, players can craft copper blocks, stairs, slabs, and more.
Deepslate, dripstone, and other new stone blocks

Players can find deepslate and tuff blocks deep underground around height level 10. As for the smooth basalt and calcite, players can find them in amethyst geodes. Players can also smelt basalt to get smooth basalt in Minecraft.
Clusters of dripstone blocks and pointed dripstones generate in caves and ravines. Players can also get them through trading with wandering traders and masons.
Powdered snow
To obtain powdered snow, players will have to go to a snow biome. Leave some empty cauldrons under the open sky. During snowfall, snow will get collected inside the cauldrons, which players can pick using a bucket. However, this process is pretty slow and time-consuming.

Candles have been added back to the 1.17 update. However, Minecraft Bedrock will receive candles in a minor update soon. Java Edition players can craft candles using honeycombs and strings.
Candles are available in 16 different colors. Players can use dyes to change their color.
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