Minecraft has an almost endless map owing to the fact that the game progressively generates biomes and terrains for millions of blocks. Hence, exploration is a massive gameplay feature in the sandbox. That said, there can be several instances when you might wander around the landscape and forget where your base is located.
In that case, there are a few ways to get back to your Minecraft house.
Ways to find your Minecraft house if you are lost
Look for familiar landmarks and unusually placed blocks

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When you start your journey in Minecraft, chances are that you will witness some unique terrain generations and biomes. There is also a high chance that you will quickly craft some important blocks and randomly place them for later use.
Hence, when you try to get back to your Minecraft house after getting lost, you can start backtracking your footsteps and try to look for unusually placed blocks or terrain generation.
Of course, while using this method, you will have to flex your memory muscle slightly, but there are high chances that you will be able to remember some unique terrain generations, like floating blocks, soaring mountains, or deep ravines.
If you find a block that you have placed a few hundred blocks away, it can be a great lead, confirming that you have been in that part of the world map before.
Craft a compass

If you built your base near your world spawn, the best way to find a way back to your house is by creating a compass. A compass is a navigation tool that will always point toward the world spawn if it is not connected to a lodestone block.
A compass can be crafted using four iron ingots and one redstone dust. Once it is crafted, you can simply hold it in your hand and walk wherever it is pointing toward. Eventually, you will find your lost base.
Dying and respawning near the respawn anchor or world spawn

Of course, the last resort to find your base if you are lost is to simply die and respawn in your last saved respawn location or the world spawn. If you have a bed in your house that you have used, you will instantly spawn there.
If you haven't used a bed, you will spawn at the world spawn where you first spawned when you created the world. From there, you can find your base.
Dying and finding your way back is the least desirable one of the above-mentioned options, since you will lose all your inventory and XP points in the process. The only way to not lose anything is by allowing command in your world and activating the keep inventory gamerule.
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