Minecraft's ice spikes biome is so rare that many players are completely unaware of its existence. Besides looking absolutely stunning, the ice spikes biome provides players with tons of packed ice, which is extremely helpful for players looking to create an ice highway. The image above showcases an ice spikes biome that has been upgraded using the "amplify" feature in Minecraft.
The ice spikes biome is also a fantastic place to build a base because of its real estate. This is, of course, provided the Minecraft player can find one. Due to its extreme rarity, players will have to ensure that they are doing everything they can to even have a chance at finding the ice spikes biome.
Best ways to locate the ice spikes biome in Minecraft
Best techniques to find the ice spikes

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Minecraft players who want to find the rare ice spikes biome can use a variety of methods.
Method #1
The first method utilizes commands. If the player is not interested in using commands, they can skip this method.
Minecraft players can type "/locatebiome minecraft:ice_spikes" in the text area. If cheats are enabled in their world, this command will grant the player with the exact coordinates of the nearest ice spikes biome.
Players can then click on the green coordinates that appear, which will enter the teleport command with those coordinates already typed. Players can either teleport directly to this biome, or travel to the coordinates listed without teleporting.
Method #2
Ice spikes biomes need to be bordering at least one "cold" biome to be able to spawn. This means that players can travel around the edge of any nearby cold biome to have a better chance at finding the rare ice spikes.
While it is best to travel using an elytra, players can certainly find the ice spikes biome without it. It will just be much more difficult.
Luckily, ice spikes biomes tend to stick out like a sore thumb due to their massive pillars of packed ice. This interesting generation will ensure that Minecraft players do not miss these extremely rare biomes.
The entertaining YouTube video above showcases a player who decides to attempt surviving in an ice spikes-only world. This is obviously quite difficult due to the lack of trees and animals.
Also read: How to find a jungle temple in Minecraft?
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