A shipwreck is a structure in Minecraft in which you can find great loot like emeralds, iron ingots, diamonds, gold ingots, and even a buried treasure map. It is generated underwater and can have different configurations generated completely randomly in a world. Here's a short guide on finding and looting a shipwreck in Minecraft.
Ways to find and loot a shipwreck in Minecraft
How to find a shipwreck

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Shipwrecks are structures that generate every single ocean biome like lukewarm ocean, cold ocean, deep frozen ocean, warm ocean, etc. They appear completely randomly and are always found on the waterbed. Apart from that, they can rarely generate above sea level but near oceans in biomes like beaches, snowy beaches, and even inside an iceberg.
Since shipwrecks are a relatively common structure, the best way to find them is to pick up a boat and start exploring the ocean. Players will have to first find a large mass of water which will be considered an ocean. Then, sail across the waterbody and keep an eye out for any peculiar underwater structure with a brownish hue.
Players can either directly look down to increase visibility or simply use a night vision potion to clear out the water fog. The shipwreck will have a distinct brown hue due to the various wood planks used on it.
Of course, players can also use our Minecraft seed map tool to easily spot a shipwreck after inputting their world's seed number in the map tool.
How to loot a shipwreck

Before diving deep into the ocean and looting a shipwreck, always remember to frequently resurface to regain your breath. If you don't have a powerful enchantment like respiration or potions of water breathing, you will run out of breath quite quickly.
Another point to note is that shipwrecks can generate in different configurations. Some might be broken in half and might not even have a single chest to loot, while others can have their entire body with all three chests. Hence, there is a chance that you might have to search several shipwrecks to obtain valuable loot.
When you enter a shipwreck, you will find a hole in the middle of the ship that goes to the basement. This basement will have two chests on either side that might not have the best loot. However, there is a chance to get a buried treasure map from it.
The most valuable chest is in the captain's quarters located above the basement on one side of the ship. The exterior of the captain's quarters will look like the picture shown above.
If this part is generated in a shipwreck, you will find the main treasure chest with all the valuable items in it.

One last point to note is that since shipwrecks have no light sources inside them, there are chances of drowned zombies spawning in them. Hence, be careful not to get stuck among them and carefully defeat them before exploring the structure.
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