Villagers are one of the most useful mobs in Minecraft. These peace-loving passive mobs are able to trade all kinds of items with players. Hence, users create massive areas for villagers to live in so that they can obtain all kinds of items, enchantments, and emeralds. Moreover, there is a way to breed these mobs. Villager breeding is distinct from that of other mobs. Even if they are given a few food items, they will not breed.
To encourage them to reproduce, certain factors must be in place. Those that are unable to breed them may want to double-check a few things before attempting again.
Note: Apart from these solutions, there might also be some bugs or glitches in the game that prevent villagers from breeding.
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Ways to resolve villager breeding in Minecraft
Food item level

First, players need to understand that villagers have their own inventory system where they store food items. In order to activate their 'willing mode,' players must provide villagers a certain number of food items. To enter the willing mode, villagers require 12 food points. Each bread item has four points, while each carrot, potato, and beetroot have 1 point.
This implies that players may either offer each villager three pieces of bread, or 12 carrots, potatoes, or beetroots, or a mix of the three.
Because players cannot see or know how many food items are in a villager's inventory, calculating how many more food items they need to breed can be difficult. This might be one of the reasons why villages do not reproduce. The simplest solution to this is to offer them more bread and observe whether they start breeding with each other or not.
Villager beds

Almost all players must know that villagers sleep in beds at night. Though they do not actively use beds while breeding with each other, they detect it whenever they are willing to breed. As a result, during each breeding procedure, players must always guarantee that there are a total of three beds near each villager. They must also have two blocks of space directly above them. The third bed is significant since it will be allotted to the infant villager.
Population cap reached (Bedrock Edition only)

In Bedrock Edition, there might be a condition where a village cannot hold more than a certain number of villagers. This will also discourage villagers from interbreeding. In this instance, players must establish a new region away from the settlement, build beds, and begin breeding additional inhabitants.
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